Battleground Exp Locked workaround. Exploit?

resto druid looks good too

What? How so?

Ahhhh there it is. You’re one of those. You don’t want “fun gameplay” you want to twink a char and wreck everyone.

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if you lose to a level 60 syncer as a proper twink you actually just suck i 100% guarantee you if you bring your 60 into a level 20 bg and face a properly geared and decently played twink hunter without one on your own team you will be dead in your gy for 20 mins and will have results like the bg i posted

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slow down there buddy. in a world of hunter vs hunter ill take the level 29 hunter(syncd or not) over a 20 vet/ftp hunter 1v1. more stamina another talent and access to better looking tmogs.
cant compare stuff unless it’s the same class.

I already explained it before. BGs are supposed to be a place where people take a break from leveling to enjoy PvP and test their might. When they added experience it ruined BGs because then people stopped PvPing and only cared about Leveling.

So now people just want the free ride and aren’t in BGs to PvP which creates a toxic environment. They are there for experience which also increases bots, afking, and undergeared players that don’t actually enjoy PvP ruining it for the rest of the players.

Experience in BGs really only has caused negatives hurting the competition and keeping BGs from flourishing. If you removed experience from BGs it would improve them for everyone.

This is just common sense. BGs will never be great again till you stop rewarding players for not having to do anything. Keep the PvE experience out of PvP. Take away the experience and BGs will be less toxic and start to flourish again fixing a lot of problems they currently have.

Just because they give a reward for participation (experience) does not mean the majority of people are just looking to sit afk. The amount of experience even for a win is very minimal - for a loss its pathetic.

Your criteria for flourishing is also suspect. Removing experience would not make it “flourish”. Turn off experience right now and you get zero queues - none. Meaning that people want something more than just “pvp for the sake of pvp” at low level, because some classes have incomplete toolkits.

Resulting in rock-paper-scissors-hunter.

If you want to make BGs less toxic its simple.

  1. Class cap and healer cap
  2. Balance the outliers bracket by bracket - none of the change classes at 60 and don’t care how it trickles down method which they typically use
  3. Provide a use for honor currency - its worthless below level 60.

Certainly the twinks will have full bis gear. But that bracket also has players that at level 10 got out of their starting zone with mostly empty slots and an ilvl of 4. Leveling up 10 levels likely would not fill all those slots. It would very much surprise me if there weren’t plenty of normal players in there who are seriously undergeared.

The issue is systemic. Compared to vanilla or even BC the amount of challenge in pve while leveling is basically zero. The game has become too watered down and simple - leading people to not care if they are using outdated gear and missing slots. Perfectly understandable, since it is not needed to complete quests or LFG dungeons.

I get it - they wanted to appeal to the casual playerbase and make the game more easily accessible to people just starting out. Not needing to know the dungeon mechanics, being able to chain pull mobs without heavy use of cc and downtime.

I would say it worked too well, and now they can’t revert the changes or suffer community blowback. So they dusted off WoW legacy servers as a means to bypass the criticism of the veteran purists who feel the game and community has degraded.

Leveling a Fury Warrior and from 10-19 all I see in regular ques are MM Hunter’s with 1.5K + health.

I haven’t reached level 15 yet so only have one charge, and I got killed by a keyboard turning hunter.