Battleground Exp Locked workaround. Exploit?

It is though hunters are overscaled damage wise and have a better toolkit then every class until the late 30s.

Which always surprised me when syncing was put into the game kinda ruining the point of xpoff, like this was back in legion when we had templates still so its not like enchants and stuff mattered.

You are in for a terrible surprise when you get into the 20-29 bracket lol.

oh man, this wasnt even one of my geared toons :frowning:

actually survival

please get help i am genuinely concerned for your mental wellbeing you are a danger to society


being level 19 and have level 19 gear would help yes

yes i re roll, i also play other classes, these have been made over a years time. i also deleted some tbh and there are my horde ones :smiley:

this toon was made at level 16, if i make 2 of these and leave before the bg ends and rotate the deserter debuff and get 50bgs per level would that make you happier? doubt it

Either way you try to spin it, you spam low level bgs as a hunter almost exclusively in a manner that is clearly not intended with the only desire to dunk on those who cant fight back.

You are a degen loser and thats all there is to it.


You’re right, It is actually quite a bit of fun to be honest, i do prefer when there are other twinks on the other teams tho, there often are, gets very boring when there arent. I’m also friendly. :slight_smile:

sorry Yubie i replied to you and thought, hey that doesnt look like it posted as a reply so i deleted and tried again! If at first you dont succeed, try and try agian they say right? :smiley:

Easy fix, since the level squish, level was cut in half. Why not cut the free to play level in half as well.

Level 10 is max free to play

Or make it level 19 free to play so we can enjoy the 20-29 bracket.

Easy fix but for whatever reason, play metrics interfere with player enjoyment.

An even easier fix that doesnt screw over normal players because a handful of losers, just balance the game and nerf hunters at low levels by 30-50% while in a battleground. Takes literally 5 minutes to change some numbers.

If anything the free to play levels should be increased to like, 40 or 50 but thats another topic.

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hey look another weekend of 60 party sync players… what is there noone playing 60 PvP… is it too much work to fight your own level 60’s You need to come down to troll low levels because you are THAT bad?

no. the leveling players are even more under geared spamming bgs with 50% more xp and 100% less care about winning. some of the syncd players are probably “helping level” friends alts but im sure more than a few are there to farm tears.

How did this become a witch-hunt for party syncers. Syncers are only stronger in;

  1. A premade consisting of broken classes for that particular bracket (hunters at 20-29)
  2. 40-49 bracket puts them above everyone under level 48 - covenant vs no covenant
  3. Maybe in the 51-59 bracket, the lvl 59 stat template might give an edge - not sure tbh

Outside of those circumstances syncers will fall to the people leveling in that bracket naturally - being able to use enchants/trinkets and choose secondary stats > sync.

The issue is the people who get gear above and beyond what the normal levelers will get - ie legacy raids with sockets. Then cheese the system by reducing xp gains solely to farm the levelers.

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the template in 51-59 is closer to being a 56. it would be 146 ilvl if it was a template matching a 59.

[quote=“Shilindria-bleeding-hollow, post:138, topic:1261463”]
The issue is the people who get gear above and beyond what the normal levelers will get - ie legacy raids with sockets. Then cheese the system by reducing xp gains solely to farm the levelers.

JUST like a 60 party sync that has the max level BOA equivalent in every slot… thank you for making my point for me

How can you complain about a twink that is in his bracket but spent time getting the best gear possible so he can be OP

and NOT complain about a 60 party sync that just shows up with best in slot???

Are you aware that using sync gives the user a blanket template, with no control over secondary stats - no weapon enchants and no trinket use outside of the heirloom pvp trinket.

Whereas twinks can have more then 60 main stat over the average leveler, due to gems and alchemist flask. Add in the green BoE gear to focus the good secondary stats… and tada - overpowered. You keep claiming syncers have gear that is equivalent to best in slot, it isn’t, not even close.

It’s actually the equivalent of level x6 in every slot. Not x9. So the same ilvl as lvl 56 gear in the 51-59 bracket for example.