Battleground Exp Locked workaround. Exploit?

you aren’t making any sense… my points are

  • there should be a minimum i-lvl to join so the teams can at least be even
  • a player who has already hit 60 should be out in end content not in lower BG
  • this thread is about players using the EXP lock to stay longer in a lower bracket (that is the same issue as a 60 party sync) if you are going to complain about one issue complain about BOTH!!!


60 syncers are synced at 57/58 Ilevel. That is massive to a person who is 51-55 for example. I agree that anyone who exploits for the debuff tho needs to be banned

lets do an experiment tonight. ill play 2 games syncd and then 2 games on a 59 and we’ll see which set of games you lose faster.
science is neat.

AND my entire point is…

  • being a 60 & party syncing down to lower brackets is (EXACTLY) the same as those people using debuff to stay in the bracket longer…
  • the (ONLY) difference is the debuff does NOT stop those people from leveling up, if you read the text is says reduced. I have seen them level out

The problem with party sync… THEY NEVER LEVEL OUT they are already 60 and just find new lower level players to sync with.

Blizzard needs to fix this… if you have a problem with the DEBUFF you should have a problem with party sync… it’s the same exploit that BLIZZARD provides

bump for awareness that these animals still exist and are still ruining every bracket of every bg

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nobody doing it at 50 relax

haha dude u got me, u caught me lackin postin on the level 50 char!!! xddD!!!

if u defend this ur subhuman btw :slight_smile:

where did the big bad twink touch you :frowning:
please point to the area on the target dummy for the court

if i told you where he touched me i would get suspended from the forums

reminder: they want you to think that this is acceptable


the hunter is geared(also bm) and your level 10 has empty slots. leveling slowly has nothing to do with those results.

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10v6 should never be acceptable. Do better Blizz.

Don’t overlook how broken hunter is in the 10-19 and 20-29 brackets. Even with looms hunters can be annoying in low level.

Overtuned damage and bloated toolkit compared to the rest of the sorry fools who participate in BGs within those brackets.

Start doing BGs at 30+ and save yourself the frustration. Stop doing BGs at 60 - same reason.

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You could post screenies of hunters going 600-0 and blizzard still wouldn’t do anything about it. There’s either zero pvp staff or they personally enjoy 1 shotting customers on their hunters.

Any (former) new world players here? Who remembers how broken greataxe was orignally and then we find out that one of the developers was a great axe main rofl. Possibly same thing here. Either apathy or corruption.


the hunter has more damage than every single person on his entire team combined and then some (also he was surv in this bg btw)

this isnt a matter of gear, or even a matter of class, this is a matter of people exploiting xp gains and twinking their characters in a bracket that isn’t supposed to have twinks in it

blizzard specifically made an xp off bracket for these people so new players who have never touched pvp in their life don’t come in to a BG and constantly run into twinks and get mercilessly obliterated by “huntsuxoqt” in one single attack and then camped at the gy for 20 minutes and decide they dont like pvp anymore and quit

i genuinely don’t believe that theres anyone who legitimately defends this and isn’t trolling


Do you think being level 19 would change anything? Do you think its fair that instead of one shotting you with 150% overkill, its now 125%?

Theres no justification for allowing these players in the same pool as normal players. At best its unintended degeneracy, at worst its straight up exploiting. Either scenario needs action to remove or suspend these players.

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it seems like the complaining is the gear not them leveling slower.
a toon built with boes and its a problem lol.
did blizz remove the AH on your servers?

You’re either baiting or a moron and either look isnt a good one.

The BoEs, crafted gear, gems and enchants can easily rack up to 100k+, the engineering goggles are alone 40k. If you are suggesting to a new player to just buy 100k worth of gear that will be outdated in 2 hours if you are playing your character to actually level in order to have even a sliver of a chance being alive for 2 seconds in a casual random bg, you are legitimately a bozo.

The only reason this strategy is sustainable to these players is because they can lock themselves to the 20 bracket permanently which is to circumvent the twink que blizzard made specifically for these scumbag players.

fixed that for you

a new player is going to lose anyways. if not to gear than to basic wow pvp knowledge. everyone in this thread was a new player at one time. some of us were new at a time every bracket had bis twinks in premades roaming around.
guess whos still here?
you and you and you and you and you, yes i see you, you as well and them and you and everyone.

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