Battleground Exp Locked workaround. Exploit?

in one thread you believe yourself to be this savior of undergeared “kids” and in another you talk about reporting them for being undergeared. im not qualified to diagnose this but the problem is you.

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No I don’t claim to be their savior… if you read what I said I have to carry them to victory by putting in 180% effort on my part. The TEAM should be pulling their own weight, I would love to just enjoy a BG on a basic toon and NOT have to carry the undergeared kids. Most of the time I have to play an over geared twink to make up for the other 60% of the team that puts in ZERO effort. Unless of course I just want to lose 10 BG in a row and never level. The point is it’s supposed to be a TEAM event and it isn’t

I don’t think that exists. I routinely come across people that are much lower level than that. There could be 500’s and fresh players on the same team.

the 2 or 3 bgs at 60 ive done on this toon everyone was under hl 30. the better geared ones, those who had a few ranked conquest pieces, were around 27-28 hl.
not a big sample size to call it for sure but if it looks like a duck….

In a ten man for example, typically I’ll see about 400-500 as the top honor level player in the match and then at the bottom you’ll have someone who is next to zero.

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Party synced players have sockets, enchants, and trinkets disabled in pvp. They may have gear, but that’s a very noticeable loss especially in the 20-29 bracket.

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You have a lot of anger issues.

if an under hl 30 player is grouped with one higher everyone is put into “regular” bgs. its like partysync but in reverse. it’s possible i need to que for more games to increase my sample size. next week ill be playing my 60’s so i’ll have more time in game to check it out.

Just came out of a Twin Peaks right now. Highest honor level on my team was 961, lowest was 24. There were a couple examples on both teams. Maybe they were grouped? Who knows.

It is NOT an Honor level issue. I’m talking a gear issue, in any bracket before 60 there are basic leveling players who do NOT even have an I-lvl matching there current level. Example:

  • lvl 10 can have a Max I-lvl of 15 if they have every slot filled with gear (some exceptions)
    -lvl 15 can have a Max I-lvl of 20 if they have every slot filled (some exceptions)
    -most leveling players in a BG in 10-19 have anywhere from 6-25 I-lvl
    -YES a player who is a twink can get higher gear and would only que at the top end x9

  • a party sync 60 comes in with a blanket BOA equivalent of 24 I-lvl in every slot.
    this means they are at the top of the bracket in full gear, I keep hearing the excuse of “no they are just average” NO THEY ARE NOT!!! the average would be 15.5 I-lvl… that makes the 60’s NINE I-lvl higher than the average toon. The only way to beat those 60 Party sync is to spend time making a TWINK in full gear to counter them, then be out of the bracket in 2 wins after spending a week “twinking” meanwhile… thae party sync 60 just finds a new level 11 to group with and keeps camping these leveling non-geared toons…

Blizzard “Fun and fair playing environment”

you failed and I see multiple BG’s every day that have multiple 60 party sync (that are no longer leveling) just trolling low level players trying to have a “fun and fair playing environment”

me and snow are having a seperate conversation about something else not concerning twinks.
everything isn’t always about you bro/shebro.

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No need for an ilvl req if you just scale everyones gear up to the max lvl of the brackets blue quality gear. No one gets left out and ppl wearing no gear are just dumb we cant balance the game around them.

Homelander honestly out here protecting his right to exploit. It makes me think how pathetic in real life they are. Lol.


oh noes someone is leveling slow….

the best part is the gear is available to everyone. not locked behind rating or renown.
not my fault lazy players don’t feel its “worth it” to regear every 5 levels.

cry about it why don’t you.

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It’s more complex than that and it doesn’t mean players are lazy, you just want to be able to facepalm players you greatly out gear.

its not complex at all its really simple. players prioritize what they want while playing wow. id say for 90% of players while leveling their goal is to level fast with minimal effort. unfortunately for them that play style keeps their gear far below average for their level unless they have boas. maybe leveling bgs need a minimum ilvl requirement to participate? it would pump some life into low level crafting if players had to buy a piece or 2 before being let into the TEAM game.
the other 10% of players prioritize winning bgs and play accordingly. if that requires locking xp to farm some epic upgrades so be it. ill buy food/flasks/potions/shieldtronic as well. nobody asking for those to be removed why not?

with the state of pvp at 60 im confused why anyone would want to get there in such a hurry.


Or just go back to wods scalling for lvling bgs and not have this issue anymore lol.

For the like first 40 lvls you don’t even have to do that, you can just straight up buy gear from various vendors with sockets and stuff. Which is why I don’t understand these players with empty/grey gear slots at 30+ or ilvl 6 greens.
Here is bg I did with hierlooms and ilvl 22 greens you can buy from a vendor at lvl 15.

or just be a meta slave… I finished a BG tonight with 6 level 60 MM hunters party sync into a lower bracket… I mean why play anymore if everyone is just going to party sync a full team of 60 MM hunters… BG’s are becoming retarded

Good news! Blizzard have done exactly nothing about this issue. In fact DF talents suggest that even more people will spam BG’s as MM. Enjoy!

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random players in a leveling bg - “why do i need to gear its not max level, not worth my time. who cares its a random bg”

the same random players when facing a player who is geared better than them -“no fair”

make up your minds.