Battleground Exp Locked workaround. Exploit?

lol what? that’s not true the majority of ppl on xpoff are against this exploit. ppl that use it tend tog et made fun of on xpoff.

[quote=“Sinwarder-moon-guard, post:48, topic:1261463”]
Lots of people know how but they won’t say in this thread most likely because it IS bannable. I’ve asked this several times and no one will tell anyone what they are doing because they know it’s bannable and claim it isn’t [/quote]

Most ppl who say its not bannable probably dont even know how to do it tbf.

It is and no matter how many times you say it isn’t it wont change rofl, blizz tries to fix it every xpac and they fail every time.

I log onto xpoff multiple times a week to chat and the only thread I have seen regarding xp off debuff in the last 2-3 months was a thread about lvling in dungeons lol

lmfao, unlike you apparently i don’t really care whatever character bnet selects when i log in
i don’t care about having a forum persona
and you and i both know i’m right about the xpoff posts, no need to keep trying to lie about it

Shut up wimp. Just another thread of low level dweebs griefing the forums because they can’t pvp at max


aww poor babby :rofl:

thats funny… i see party sync 60’s in low level BG’s all day… so whats wrong?? can they not handle PvP @ 60?? or do they just enjoy exploiting the system and having an advantage over a basic leveling player?

Imagine… a level 60 party sync stays in the bracket forever. They don’t level out, they just find a new player to keep them in the bracket they want to exploit. I have seen the same level 60’s party sync in the same bracket while leveling 5 different toons over 2 months… BLIZZARD isn’t fixing anything, they are making things worse!

and every time someone levels through 20-29 you and your cool friends are there. the difference is the syncd players aren’t twinked.

No the party sync is NOT twinked… they do absolutely NO WORK or GEARING. they just show up and automatically have the highest IN BRACKET gear in EVERY slot. You are right they aren’t a twink… they don’t have to run for any gear =P

its not the highest gear ilvl x9 can get are you on drugs? BOA equivalent.

BOA equivalent at the TOP end of the bracket in EVERY slot… vs some schmuck child that is missing 5 pieces of gear has 2 grey items with ZERO stats & is a melee class using an intellect main hand. Yes a Party sync has a definite advantage over 90% of the children playing in BG.


368 posts

60 Human Paladin I’m sorry can you NOT find any level 60 BG’s that allow you to farm badly geared children??? Is this why you have to defend party syncing into a low level BG to get an advantage over levelers that you totally outgear???

Went all in on this exaggeration. Do they also click and keyboard turn while asking in BG chat how to win the game?

We only see gearing that messed up from brand new players in the 19 bracket. The game feeds you itemized gear nowadays spamming random dungeons and bgs.

Let’s be honest. New players are quite rare. People leveling are alts in heirloom gear. Probably not enchanted because they are dumb but whatever.

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CLEARLY friend you have never played on Alliance. No I’m NOT making this up:

I have seen players @42 a DK with MAIL Agility gear… YES @ 42 (NOT 10-19)
I have seen players in BG from 20-50 YES STILL wearing the lvl 7 “Dog tags” from exiles reach
Yes I have been in BG’s from 20-50 that show up wearing 4 pieces of gear (ALL GREY) ZERO stats. RP children usually from Moonguard.
I have played thousands of games and seen MANY of them with kids that have no business joining a BG (TEAM EVENT) but Blizzard wont put in an item level requirement.

Yes I have asked for a minimum I-lvl requirement… no matter what level it is… it is still a TEAM EVENT… you don’t show up to the football field wearing 1 shin pad 1 shoulder pad and your socks and expect to play!!! WTF are clowns allowed to show up missing gear in a TEAM EVENT

im farming 40-49 till i max the honor set then ill be playing in the under honor level 30 bracket at 60 until that runs out.
big fish small pond.

your pond has too many fish. mostly hunter fish and im sure nobody in the pond runs away from you on the battlefield. or swims away whatever you get the analogy.

These little kids I speak of with no gear and who don’t put effort into BG AREN’T in this thread. The same children of the Alliance who don’t put effort into BG wont put effort into posting. I carry these kids because they keep showing up, I would prefer to have a competent team so I could just relax and play an alt toon that doesn’t have to kill 25 Horde and do 40% of the damage or 60% of the healing just to drag said kids to victory. I have to put in 180% effort to carry a team that is undergeared, overwhelmed & just doesn’t seem to care. Yes yes i could join the Horde but then every BG would just be a faceroll spawn camp. The funniest part is when I come on and start playing BG’s I usually hear “OMG this is my first win in 10 games” and it shouldn’t be like that.

How can blizzard balance the game around players who are either unwilling or unable to learn how to play the game though? if you are a melee using an int weapon that’s a player problem not a game problem 100%

A lvler doing the bare minimum to stay relevant gear wise will be at a 3 ilvl disadvantage to a party syncer, this doesn’t take into account enchants. You can buy ilvl 33 gear from a mop vendor at lvl 24, the weapons require a slightly higher ilvl though.

Could also just solve the issue completely by going back to mops calling and upping every one ilvl on gear to the bracket “max” ( blue dungeon ilvl for a 29 as an example ilvl 35)


MINIMUM I-lvl requirement for starters. again you arent going to play a team sport like foot ball wearing only socks and a jock strap… you need gear to enter a team event BG= Team event everyone is required to do their part

Is that not F2P 20? Seems hypocritical to complain about party sync when levelers have to deal with the F2P 20s constantly. And those 20s tend to group queue and farm the levelers.

example of minimum I-lvl requirements:

i have been in a 10-19 and seen players with 6 I-lvl yes SIX only wearing 3 pieces of gear
i have seen in a 20-29 children with 10 I-lvl TEN this is a toon still missing gear
i have seen in a 30-39 players with 22 I-lvl still missing gear or wearing stuff that is lvl 7-15
I have also seen in the 40-49 bracket idiots with 28 I-lvl there is NO reason these players should be allowed into a BG team event.

WOW does this mean you ONLY have that ONE toon. Do you ONLY play that 60 Deso. You mean to tell me YOU only play ONE toon…

I have 5 accounts and over 150+ toons, I play all brackets and I see the party sync 60’s in all of them. Why don’t you stop assuming things