Battleground Exp Locked workaround. Exploit?

Its still not an exploit though. I have some Vet 20s myself on an expired account. I see no difference in me wrecking levelers in the 20-29 bracket with my Vets than those using XP debuff. As a geared Vet or even true F2P twink , you’re gonna wreck levelers.

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Its funny how 20 twinks cry and moan like levelers when 29 twinks are around.

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Crying? m8 I don’t care. They basically don’t even exist. Think I’ve seen 2 people do it ever. I was simply saying the exploit is available and unfixed. Also they gain 5% exp still so they eventually level out anyways.

And if you were referring to your own lvl 29 twink there…your gear is actually worse than a bis lvl 20 lol. No one cares if you personally exploit into the 20-29 bracket that’s for sure.

I do see alot of crying from 20s on this forum and other’s when it comes to 29s specifically and yes i have been mass reported by a bunch of uptight 20s. Not fun. As far as my gear goes this is my chill in durotar set , hope you like it

It would be simple enough to make this no longer work if they wanted to. I’m not sure why they haven’t.

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But does anyone know how they are twinking at other brackets as well. Ive seen a fully geared 49 twink for a few months on different character leveling. Its just not fun.

Lots of people know how but they won’t say in this thread most likely because it IS bannable. I’ve asked this several times and no one will tell anyone what they are doing because they know it’s bannable and claim it isn’t.


i explained it last year it works exactly the same way.

Xpoff is the website they use. There’s tons of threads of people complaining they got banned.

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Ye I also sent a email to explaining exactly how to do it. That was months ago. It’s probably low priority since almost no one does it. Or it’s complicated to fix since it now involves lvl 60s.

AND a lvl 60 who has already leveled and is now party syncing every game to dominate those same leveling players is OK?? Blizzard is causing these issues NOT players, if the intent is for a fair playing field why are level 60 party syncers allowed to keep queing VS noob leveling players (just trying to level up)

it’s called party sync. take a 60 join a group with a lower level player in the bracket you want to play… 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 then just join a BG. The party sync 60 will show up with ALL abilities in the top of that bracket (example in 20-29 you become a level 29 with ALL abilities a 29 would have) This player also shows up with a “template” set of gear that is MAX for the bracket they sync into. So any player doing this can stay in any bracket they choose ALL DAY LONG and be at the top of that bracket with a full set of BOA style gear in every socket. The average leveling toon doesnt have every socket filled with max i-lvl gear for their bracket. This is a BLIZZARD hack that allows these players to farm noob kids all day long.

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its not max ilvl for their bracket now you’re making things up.

Who cares? Low level pvp doesn’t matter.

I just turned off my XP at 19 to try it, and I have been in que for over 2 hours. I want to know how the Twinks keep getting in BGs. I asked Blizzard and they couldn’t give me an answer.

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its not locked xp. probably why its not working.

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EXAMPLE a 60 party sync at 19 will get a full set of 24 i-lvl gear (basically BOA level in every slot) that DOES make them best in slot.

boas aren’t bis. like ever. stay in your garbage 20 lane please.


interesting considering i just looked at xpoff and there hasn’t been a debuff related thread on there in almost a year

I’m sure you navigated that about as well as you navigated the “change character” function on the WoW forums.

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