Battleground Disparity Showed Something Positive

Yikes 4K gold only, that’s pretty low for a pink parser.

That’s just off boons.

“andys” “sod is best” “yall” “good players”
This is hilarious.

Ya that’s rookie for a pink parser. Most chads did 8-10k gold from boon sales.

Not sure what my Parses have to do with making gold?

Not surprised you can’t figure it out.

I’m parsing pink in pve not gold making.

I’m sorry era PVE is too hard for you to do well.

Sod pvp is bad, it started with healers are OP, then it changed to everyone on shots everyone.

Sod PVE is actually far more balanced than fresh/era

Yeah, but that’s not the topic. Its pvp is the worst wow has ever had, p1 god healers, p2 god shamans, p3, god shamans, p4 god pallys.

Heartseeker :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Most scrub server not named boggles worth from 2019

I mean sod is fine, everyone 1 shots.


“…And when everyone’s super no one will be.” -Blizzard

Yeah, a rogue tried to gank me and when I killed him he was rank 4 and awarded 700 honor. Something def wrong there since I thought a HWL was like 450 or something solo.

half of sod are stacked alts though.
Same for era.

Anniversary however is very much a 1 toon per account atm. Maybe 2. The timeline is too short for people to shove more than that into a weekly MC/ony atm. Which is amazing considering its 52k.

Finally a comment from Chickenpox that makes sense.

This is how all versions of the game are though, perhaps with the exception of HC, where raiding is far smaller part of the game, of course it has a far smaller population. You only see people in the real world much in the early phases, as people shift away from leveling alts the zones will become deserted, it happens in every version. As phase 3/4 hit in Fresh, the world will be dead for the most part and people will simply raid log until TBC, at which point the world will be alive again.

Holy crap, SOD is barely hanging on and it’s supposed to be a superior product. That’s crazy. A ton of those logs for SOD are alts too. I bet true account data right now shows Era/Anni > SOD for individual subs.

Says who?

It’s a different product for a different kind of player…

Nobody said superior product

Saying this over and over again isn’t going to suddenly change the scope of the situation