Battleground Disparity Showed Something Positive

Sod has how many av instances up?

One version has BGs just opened today and the other has had ranking for 8 months.

Man you are down so bad…

Let’s see in 8 months how many AVs there are in anniversary lol

Oh so because it’s 8 months old for sod the numbers don’t count but raid logs for sod do count. You lost the plot bozo.

Have fun in your dead retail lite game.

Anniversary has been out for 2 months.

It takes 2-3 weeks to hit 60 and do MC.

And boosting is super easy, super cheap, and everywhere.

You can get a level 1 to 60 in 4 days lol

Sod it takes 2 - 3 weeks to do that. You keep failing bud. Just give up and go play sod. I’m sure there’s a lot of people on right now. Just lol.

You write like a sweat. Most likely a swiper too.

Man you only have 1 60??

Oof. Skill issue. So awful at this game.

Mara boost and you’re 50 in no time then right into strat boosts

Yikes a try hard at wow too.

There are 101 AVs going…

Who isn’t a try hard right now? Lol

Mara boosts are literally free. Between gold looting and mob looting what you pay = you immediately earn back.

Look, SoD isn’t my cup of tea any more than it is yours… I definitely feel they went in the wrong direction and I will remain an Era main. However, that doesn’t mean we can spread misinformation and hyperbole.

SoD is currently showing more raids logged than both Era and Anniversary combined. This ratio may shift as more players reach level 60 in anniversary and begin to raid but the trend shows SoD’s raiding population as relatively stable for the past 6 months.

SoD is far from dead, nor can it be considered a failure.

We are all just educating you that you picked the wrong version of the game. That’s all. You just keep doubling down though on it being better. You named pirate by chance?

Did you miss the part where I said I raid weekly on two 60s in anniversary?

Do you know how to read?

Also never said it was “better” I just called you out on your complete lies and you keep doubling down / changing the subject.

I’m in AV right now lol wut

Keep moving those goal posts bud. You done leveling all your alts on sod too is that why you have nothing to do?

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I stopped playing SoD at level 50.

I travel during the summers … not sit on a computer lol.

Sorry you are poor bro

There’s no way Cata has more active players than the Anniversary Edition.

Logs always were unreliable, they depend on alts, number of active raids, faction and evidently on the number of raids registering logs.

I believe that at this point, more than 40% of the total player base in Anniversary is still under lvl 60 and that more than 50% is still not attuned for Ony/MC.

Sod is dead, no reason to even discuss that failed version of the game anymore. No one is coming back for a 5man dungeon.

Did they keep raids in SOD on 10, or less players? If so, i instantaneously regret of leaving it, after the atrocious release of Gnomeregan.

Shill out, short raid, was a plus during the first phase of SOD. Good times.

Sod is more populated than fresh and era combined lmao

Sure thing swiper.

We really need to stop doing these “my playstation is better than your Xbox” threads…

I just made over 4,000g on boons.

Idk why you’re lying about data we literally have.

Sod is more populated than fresh and era combined

7k posts. Nah you live on these forums. Consider taking an actual break and getting out.


7k is rookie numbers.

I’m at over 25,000.