Battleground Disparity Showed Something Positive

Not a good look at all considering sod been out over a year and most players raid on multiple alts

There were more BGs open yesterday than players on Crusader strike

I logged over there on my sod toon the other eeek and there were zero ABs open on AB weekend on a Friday

SOD might be good for their raiding content, but that’s literally all there has going for it.

If people actually cared about good raid content tho, you’d think they’d hop on the band wagon since it’s never beeen easier to get 60 with xp increases, 1 copper runes, basically a red carpet to 60 yet people aren’t doing that

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I know one person that raids on 8 classes

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600k to 50k over lifespan, not even cata lost that many raiders

Not sure about Anniversary but near no one that plays Era posts logs, and those that are attempting to post find out WCL is broken for Era.

The data is broken and thus incomplete and thus worthless. The only way to really see how things are is to log into each server and see how it is.

I have actually looked around at the various servers and excluding Grobbulus they all seem decent.


If Blizzard would turn BG’s back on for Era we would have more WSG’s running than SoD.

I had 6 Allies Q’d and 7 Horde Q’d and I was told there were more both sides but we got no pops. Blizzard nerfed us.

I wonder what these poor sodders are gonna do when sod is over? sob? sob sod?
sobbing sodders? sodding sobbers

“waaaaaaaaaaaah my fake version that feels like a private server is over wahhhhh blizzard bring back sod!!”

To be fair phase 1 was the best version of wow, it fell off harder than hell in p3.

Idk about that

It certainly was fresh hype, but idk about “best version of wow”

How many months from launch to Phase 3?

it fell off literally the week of the gdkp ban lmao

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Peak shows 496k on release and current shows 69k.

Your assumption her is that the population drop-off means the game is dead. This wholly incorrect. There are still nearly seventy thousand players actively playing SoD, which is pretty substantial.

Interestingly, Helldivers 2, one of the most successful games of last year and still considered popular to this day, shows a similar trend. They had ~458k peak near release, falling to ~65k current.

SoD is not dead.

Interesting. Based on what I can see when I log in it does look like (which I believe reads its data from WCL) is fairly indicative of population numbers.

SoD does seem to have far more people standing around capital cities, as well as interacting in chat channels and groups. Era has far, far less. Anniversary could be on par with SoD.

I expect the number of logs for Anniversary to rise but the point isn’t really whether or not Anniversary is more populated than SoD, it’s really just that SoD isn’t the dead came its haters would have us believe. I’m not even sure what the point of that is. Like, Era is my main game… so what if SoD is something others enjoy?

Man, human tribalism… lol.

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Being the 2nd least populated version of classic when it has the lowest barrier of entry to raiding out of any of them is not a good sign. Its just Cata for people who can’t do cata raids

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5 months /char

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I honestly wish SoD had even a slight semblance of good balancing because it has a ton of really cool ideas that I love (Rogue Tank).

The PvP is just such a clown show I can’t get over it.

Basically every “Fresh hype” ever then.

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That’s a lie. Most people have already got weeks of mc under them already


You seem to be confusing not liking something, or having a low opinion of that thing, as meaning it’s a dead game.

Its important that all negative feedback is shared about SoD constantly so they don’t waste resources on “Cata with no world changes” vanilla again

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Then share your negative feedback. However, all you’ve shared so far is that SoD’s population doesn’t surpass some value that you’ve decided it should, while the game you presumably advocate for (Era) actually shows less raids logged than SoD.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like SoD either, but clearly it’s delivering an experience that some people enjoy. Your opinions on why you don’t like SoD are valid, but false claims about “dead game” are not useful to anyone.

Good luck out there! :heart:

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Not to mention Real vendor T1 and T2 gear.

I remember when I said raid gear would end up on the vendor and people absolutely flamed my thread hahaha. Shame I deleted the character I made the post on because I can’t find it anymore.