How truly atrocious SoD truly is.
Even if the SoD players weren’t incredibly over powered to the point of 1 v 10 players in AV, it still wouldve been absolutely atrocious with the abilities they were using in the actual gameplay.
Im sure the SoD people playing were having a great time though.
(I would venture to say the SoD players that made it to these AVs probably had the most fun doing these AVs than anything they did in SoD up to that point)
Sod is dead, no reason to even discuss that failed version of the game anymore. No one is coming back for a 5man dungeon. The increased patch releases are them trying to end this disaster sooner rather than later.
Fresh is where everyone will continue to be and once tbc launches most will leave since vanilla is the only good version of this game.
classic andys being classic andys.
SOD is the best version of wow right now.
JUST IMAGINE, that yall were queued vs Classic era rank 14 / full nax geared premades vs green people in fresh, is not that atrocious? don’t be ridiculous.
prepare your ghost town of raid loggers in fresh when Naxx comes out in feb.
but thanks to god andies are not comming back to SoD, only good players that want a challenge.
SoD is the most played version of classic.
Logged raiders in the last week.
SoD: 68,921
Era: 10,656
Anniversary: 52,994
You forgot the
Wont be a ghost town people will be getting ready for TBC. Lets be honest the PVP in SOD has been terrible since phase 2. After a big experimental season blizzard could have went a lot of different directions with Sod/classic +. Instead they announced fresh anniversary servers that progress to TBC.
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Yeah SoD currently has more raid loggers then Anniversary realms. Majority of player population isn’t even 60 and attuned yet in anniversary.
Or… They don’t have the players / players don’t wanna raid / MC is complete trash and every class not named warrior is garbage?
Cool numbers oh wait sod been out forever and it keeps dropping logs every week. Anniversary just started and logs keep increasing 40% every week.
Why did you exclude cata? Has way more logs than sod.
the people that will stay playing are the same ERA players, there are a lot of sod players that are playing fresh only for having a lvl 60 that they will play again when TBC pre patch comes out.
the only thing you need to “prepare” for tbc is to have your lvl 60 unless you play shaman in alliance or paladin in horde you need to wait for pre patch.
the true abomination is playing tbc in naxx gear with 0 character progression in dungeons/ quest because naxx gear is OP and you won’t replace it.
PD: personally i’m praying for blizzard to release fresh TBC servers like they did with wotlk. They destroyed the server because allowed transfers, the queues where very big and the fun was the next lvl. but you know FUN DETECTED fun deleted
I really am quite OOTL when it comes to WoW being out of the scene for so long but I just don’t get SoD. Mage tanks? Warrior healers? Druid Shamans? Is this World of Wokecraft?
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Cataclysm 127895
SOD 68921
Anni 52994
Era 10656
ironforge. pro/ population/ classic/
what are you smoking my brother? SOD is terrible.
and those sod numbers are super inflated since everyone and their moms have a million toons
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Because cata isn’t on the same patch of classic vanilla wow.
You wanna talk about failing sub #s cata is #1.
Era been out way longer than SoD and only had 1/6th the numbers.
Nice L
The numbers arent staggering comparing a new iteration of a game versus the old iteration of the game. That actually defeats your narrative.
It’s all by raid numbers.
That’s how it always works.
You think ppl in wotlk really had 600k raiders? No … so many ppl raided of 10 characters a week in naxx lol…
Didn’t see the complaints then.
At least I didn’t post actual false information and now have to try and claim there is reasons for XYZ.
If you look at the data. SoD has the most players on this version of wow.
I get it you hate SoD because balance druids and hunters are good… But still. Relax bud
If they didn’t come back for MC they aren’t coming back for Naxx little bro. You’re still gonna be half cata’s pop on a good day
I play retail, SoD, cata, and anniversary, and SoD is by far the most fun I’m having at the moment.
SoD has the most raiders for sure, but that doesn’t actually mean it has the most players. I play SoD as well and think its great. I raid on one toon but I have guildies that play 4 toons a week there. The 69k number for SoD raiders is massively over over-inflated.
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My entire guild in anniversary has 2 60s.
We have 2 raids.
Sooo anniversary getting there too haha
You’re forgetting bro, that it takes like half a day IRL to go 1-60 on SOD.
It takes weeks to get to 60 on Vanilla.
My SOD account has like 6x level 60s (I don’t play them any more now that vanilla fresh is out) but I know people who have 10 60s all raiding in SOD.
Most of the player base in vanilla isnt even 60 yet. Most of the playerbase in SOD is raiding on multiple 60s.
I can get like 4 chars in SOD 60 before I can get a char in vanilla to lvl 30 using restedxp lvling addons even