Think it might be time to take it to twitter as well07/25/2018 10:46 PMPosted by Neocleo#BattleForFullscreen!
I hate the bugginess of windowed fullscreen. Regular fullscreen just works better.
I hate the bugginess of windowed fullscreen. Regular fullscreen just works better.
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While I don't disagree, I do think such a strategy is beyond General Discussion's collective intellect.07/25/2018 08:12 AMPosted by DeffiasA unified, professional front is probably the best way to voice players' concerns over this issue.
I am a player here from Brazil and I am together with you in this fight for the return of fullscreen mode. I'm going to create a forum with this "#" here in the forums of Brazil. Thank you.
FWIW, fullscreen mode still works in Diablo AND Overwatch.
i guess i got lucky...no drop in frames..and im on an OOOOLLLD gaming laptop(i5/920m/8gigs)
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Please give us that back now, I really cannot stand windowed fullscreen. Might have to skip an expansion for the first time. Why remove choices from players? This does not make sense. You'll lose a lot of customers if this persists for sure.
#BattleforFullscreen !!!
07/25/2018 05:09 PMPosted by EvilzombiWoW hogs 2 cores and sometimes a bit of extra threads if you have got them. Running windowed mode increases the load to include the desktop. So basically anything less than a 3 core CPU will fall flat on its face when you do this.
This would be okay, except Intel was selling Dual Core i3 and Pentium processors up until very recently.
The other core does nothing. WoW still in 2018 mainly only uses and focus on single thread/core. that's the reality.. go do some researches.
I just recently came back to WoW and spent a couple hours trying to figure out why I couldn't get full screen any longer. My game performance is affected as is my g-sync monitor!
I just recently came back to WoW and spent a couple hours trying to figure out why I couldn't get full screen any longer. My game performance is affected as is my g-sync monitor!
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i5 = 4 cores is why07/26/2018 04:34 AMPosted by Palfrehtalsui guess i got lucky...no drop in frames..and im on an OOOOLLLD gaming laptop(i5/920m/8gigs)
Bring it BACK!
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Y'all performance was not impacted that hard by not having fullscreen exclusive mode. This is just silly for a few of you to be upset with.
If you are having issues there is something wrong on your end fix it.
Check this first as alot of friends did not know this setting existed.
Go into your settings and turn your resolution scale down to 100% it has been defaulting to 200%.
Or here is a crazy idea.....Contact a support forum for some help.
If you are having issues there is something wrong on your end fix it.
Check this first as alot of friends did not know this setting existed.
Go into your settings and turn your resolution scale down to 100% it has been defaulting to 200%.
Or here is a crazy idea.....Contact a support forum for some help.
i haveno problem. i play windowed full screen. i dont see any differents no even my frame rate is hurt by it i see nothing negative
btw i snyc my fr to my monitor as well no change for me
btw i snyc my fr to my monitor as well no change for me
I use my right hotbars for things that are not keybound. Now when I move to click, my mouse zips onto my second monitor. #BattleForFullscreen
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07/25/2018 12:20 PMPosted by TresskaI am also sick of people painting this out to be something that only effects people with low end systems. I am running:
Liquid cooled i9-7900x overclocked to 5.1 ghz
32 gb of RAM
2 1080ti in SLI
1440 X 3440 utra wide G-Sync monitor
Game is installed on a NvME SSD
Even my performance has been severely impacted
I have been running windows full screen for as long as i can remember( was sometime either mid Wrath to early cata ) and on at least three different computers over that time , the reason -its gives far better performance ( current system i7 6700 processor with 16 Gb of ram and gtx 970 graphics ) so sorry if i I dont believe you that your machine is having issues with it