
07/25/2018 08:12 AMPosted by Deffias
If the loss of exclusive fullscreen (EFS) was detrimental to your WoW experience, I suggest you join our brothers and sisters from across the Atlantic to create a unified voice against this change.

Link for reference:

TL;DR the link: Pleas advocating for the return of EFS are being heard on the EU boards, Telemacharas (Blizz Customer Service) is attempting to highlight this issue to the Dev Team. A unified, professional front is probably the best way to voice players' concerns over this issue. Rallying under the banner of #BattleforFullscreen, is (imo) the best vehicle to deliver a quantifiable message of the detrimental impact to the player base.

How many have been effected (... Affected?)? That number, I think, is the metric that would matter most to Blizz's Dev Team. If significant enough, it seems reasonable to assume it would start the process for rectifying this issue.

If you'd like to see EFS return to the game (or some other technical fix), then join the battle.... For fullscreen.


EDIT: Adding Tresska's post about this issue for reference, and to further show the depth of this issue's impact. Tresska created that post prior to the change going live:

What's the real necessity for it? Windowed fullscreen works fine for me so far AND it's great with a multimonitor setup.

Not saying no, just why?
07/25/2018 04:51 PMPosted by Nalal
What's the real necessity for it? Windowed fullscreen works fine for me so far AND it's great with a multimonitor setup.

Not saying no, just why?

Because borderless windowed causes massive amounts of input lag, specially if you're on windows 10 (the crappy OS that doesn't allow you to disable desktop composition to eliminate desktop vsync)

On top of that it murders performance on some machines.
07/25/2018 04:51 PMPosted by Nalal
What's the real necessity for it? Windowed fullscreen works fine for me so far AND it's great with a multimonitor setup.
Well for one Sli and Crossfire. For another G-sync and adaptive V-sync are broken. Other machines just strait up suffer performance loss and there is input lag outside of EFS
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WoW hogs 2 cores and sometimes a bit of extra threads if you have got them. Running windowed mode increases the load to include the desktop. So basically anything less than a 3 core CPU will fall flat on its face when you do this.

This would be okay, except Intel was selling Dual Core i3 and Pentium processors up until very recently.
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How this change has impacted me:

I used to play exclusively in fullscreen mode. Switching to borderless windowed has reduced average frame-rate by just over 5% based on my personal benchmarks. But it has also caused lower minimums and more frequent frame spikes.

Paired with the G-Sync windowed mode issue from Windows 10 build 1803, I have to play in DX 12 mode (massive performance loss) which seems to be immune to the G-Sync issue.

What I plan to do:

Th subscriptions for my wife and I end on August 17th. We won't be immediately re-upping, nor will we be buying the expansion. We're stubborn. The last time we said and did that was when our characters were in TBC, and they did the first stat squish. We tend to progress slowly and deliberately, and this messed with our progression. We took a year off, and by the time that we came back, we were even further behind. This resulted in us getting Pandaria, WOD, and now Legion for free. We didn't pay for any of these expansions!

Blizzard's poor choices lead us to exercise our rights to vote with our wallets. If the performance issues aren't addressed by the time that our subscriptions lapse, we'll take another WoW vacation. I've got other games to play anyway :)
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07/25/2018 04:51 PMPosted by Nalal
07/25/2018 08:12 AMPosted by Deffias
If the loss of exclusive fullscreen (EFS) was detrimental to your WoW experience, I suggest you join our brothers and sisters from across the Atlantic to create a unified voice against this change.

Link for reference:

TL;DR the link: Pleas advocating for the return of EFS are being heard on the EU boards, Telemacharas (Blizz Customer Service) is attempting to highlight this issue to the Dev Team. A unified, professional front is probably the best way to voice players' concerns over this issue. Rallying under the banner of #BattleforFullscreen, is (imo) the best vehicle to deliver a quantifiable message of the detrimental impact to the player base.

How many have been effected (... Affected?)? That number, I think, is the metric that would matter most to Blizz's Dev Team. If significant enough, it seems reasonable to assume it would start the process for rectifying this issue.

If you'd like to see EFS return to the game (or some other technical fix), then join the battle.... For fullscreen.


EDIT: Adding Tresska's post about this issue for reference, and to further show the depth of this issue's impact. Tresska created that post prior to the change going live:

What's the real necessity for it? Windowed fullscreen works fine for me so far AND it's great with a multimonitor setup.

Not saying no, just why?

My computer has degraded performance, because my particular setup is focused towards being a workstation for pentesting. I also use it as my gaming computer, and utilize FreeSync, Crossfire and Eyefinity to enjoy WoW. Without EFS, my performance/eyecandy is drastically decreased.

I'm glad that you're unaffected. But you're situation isn't representative of everyone else's.

It's possible we're the minority, but there are multiple threads from EU, US, and apparently BR forums with numerous players sharing my frustration. This leads me to assume it's possible that this issue is wide spread enough to elicit an official response from Blizzard. By uniting under #BattleforFullscreen it'll hopefully allow Blizz a focused quantifiable metric on how much of their player base is negatively affected.
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07/25/2018 04:29 PMPosted by Kagh
07/25/2018 04:23 PMPosted by Tresska
PVP players dont generally like having input lag thrust on them.

Mythic raiders don't either. >.<

Hell screw Mythic, I don't think I'm going to be able to raid LFR like this.
GMC just released their new Sierra without a rear view mirror. They said that "customers will have to shoulder check harder and l2p"...

Just kidding, no respectable company would do that to their customers.
#BattleforFullScreen bothers and sisters together we'il fight under this banner
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Yeah this is a problem for me as well. I play on a laptop most of the time, and I have a 4K native display. However, I would play WoW in fullscreen mode so I could set the resolution at 1080p, which greatly increased performance. My GPU isn't quite good enough to push smooth 4K gaming, so that was my solution. Now I have to set the native Windows display to 1080p before starting WoW each time, and revert back when I'm done because 1080p looks terrible when web browsing/navigating Windows. I would really appreciate the fullscreen option back.
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07/25/2018 06:28 PMPosted by Mìros
#BattleforFullScreen bothers and sisters together we'il fight under this banner


Together we will storm the highlands!
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07/25/2018 06:28 PMPosted by Mìros
#BattleforFullScreen bothers and sisters together we'il fight under this banner

Never relent! Never surrender!
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I always run games in EFS for maximum performance. Now I've got performance drops, darker loading screens, and asset loading hitches. This is one of the most pointless, aggravating removals in WoW's history.
07/25/2018 04:53 PMPosted by Vülgrïm
07/25/2018 04:51 PMPosted by Nalal
What's the real necessity for it? Windowed fullscreen works fine for me so far AND it's great with a multimonitor setup.

Not saying no, just why?

Because borderless windowed causes massive amounts of input lag, specially if you're on windows 10 (the crappy OS that doesn't allow you to disable desktop composition to eliminate desktop vsync)

On top of that it murders performance on some machines.

I would check your settings "Esc / system and advanced tab" (it's under graphics) To your right you should see "Sliders" with a box checked which say "Max Foreground FPS" and a box checked "Max Background FPS."

The "Max Foreground FPS activates when you have wow focused. You can slide the Foreground FPS to your preferable fps.. Your FPS will adjust to this setting. (Usually the default is 100 FPS)

The "Max Background FPS" activates lower FPS when tabbed out or focused on another window.. W.o.W. will drop to the minimum background FPS settings (usually the default is set to 30)

Unless you are running a toaster, your computer should not have an issue running these settings at 60 FPS or more when you have W.o.W focused on.

Note: You can select DirectX 11 on Windows 10 with the above settings.
When I got my 2nd monitor and changed to windowed fullscreen, I didn't notice a difference. What's wrong with windowed fullscreen?
07/25/2018 07:28 PMPosted by Elaice
When I got my 2nd monitor and changed to windowed fullscreen, I didn't notice a difference. What's wrong with windowed fullscreen?
For some there is no issue but some systems are gimped. Sli, G-sync, Freesync, adaptive g-sync are all broken. Further, just depending on your setup some will see performance loss out of EFS
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07/25/2018 07:28 PMPosted by Elaice
When I got my 2nd monitor and changed to windowed fullscreen, I didn't notice a difference. What's wrong with windowed fullscreen?

I mean.. there's four pages of what's wrong on this thread alone.
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