so were drums and they nerfed that. Chickens need to be nerfed. It’s just silly and time wasting for everyone else waiting.
Bring back a meta? The meta is already here man. Ranged stacking IS the meta already. You’re afraid of something that is already here.
I asked my guild for 30s on void reaver. I can see how back crippling this was to my raid now. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.
Other than that I just don’t care enough to ask others to wait for it.
So if I’m reading this right, it’s about a haste buff that’s going to “trivialize” content?
Even though on Vashj and KT, the top dps is still from Warlocks and Mages?
Just stop lying and admit it’s about melee having a buff to compete with ranged dps.
Im really struggling to get that truth out of them. All I can see from anyones arguments is this
“Yes ranged will still be the go to choice because of their top end dmg AND their utility. But with the chicken they arent the best by ENOUGH”
So basically having a ranged stack meta of them destroying every other dps while having better utility is acceptable. Having melee (and its really just fury) do comparable dps is bad for…reasons.
ranged stack=ok acceptable gameplay
melee stack =bad unacceptable “cheesy” gameplay
Nevermind that even with the chicken ranged will be king because they still bring utility fury cannot replace
Wait. People are still popping chickens in this nerfed content? And these are the same people who complained about nerfing the content?
It’s all about the parses, man.
The difference is… Blizzard is not going to rebalance the classes. Never. No chance in hell of it happening. That would require huge changes to the mechanics of the game and tons of work. And still nobody would be happy. Because balancing classes is not easy. They’ve been trying for 17 years in retail and people still complain incessantly. They are not touching that with a ten foot pole.
But they CAN fix a GALACTICALLY OVERPOWERED level 45 trinket that stacks to provide 27.6% haste multiplicatively, the most powerful buff in the game. It just requires one little tweak, and boom, it’s fixed. And they are going to fix it. Reading the blue comments, it’s not a matter of if. It’s just a matter of exactly how.
And it has nothing to do with melee vs. ranged anyway. It’s about the whole raid vs. PvE content. And this massive buff effectively nerfs all of the content. All of it.
Also, unless you have zero integrity (or don’t possess a nose), it simply doesn’t pass the smell test that one level 45 trinket would be more powerful than ALL the gear upgrades in the game from T5 through Sunwell combined. This buff is that powerful.
And yes, the pipe strat vs. Vashj was a little cheesy (we don’t even bother with it anymore because the fight has been nerfed to hell). But that’s just one fight. This new chicken exploit significantly affect ALL fights, now and through the end of the game. The effect is greater and much more widespread, and it can be easily fixed, and it will be fixed.
Lol lack of world buffs isn’t why people aren’t playing SoM…
So you were ok with cheese then?
Rules for thee and not for me right? All good in my book
It is for me and a lot of people; they killed their entire raiding audience with what the loud casual minority wanted.
Fresh is best. People played a decade of Vanilla on pservers and Blizzard killed it in one fresh.
Not my guild. I am but a member.
I also got world buffs every raid in vanilla, just like everyone else, even though it made me hold my nose and cringe every single time. When you’re part of a team, you do what your team expects.
And it has been proven time and again that players will use whatever is available to get an edge, even if it completely ruins the game. They cannot help themselves. Which is why it’s up to Blizzard to fix these things. The players are incapable of doing it themselves.
I compare it to performance enhancing drugs in sports. If you leave it up to the players, they’re GOING to use them. Only way to stop it is for the league to ban them and test for them.
I dont know if you could find a worse comparison
Those guys do it because they stand to gain millions of dollars. They are doing it to better themselves and their families
In wow you stand to gain nothing. If those players got no payment at all they wouldnt destroy their bodies to do better
The analogy works because the results are the same. If a new exploit was discovered tomorrow that provides a +500% damage buff, players would use it, even though it would ruin the game. They wouldn’t be able to help themselves. The only way to stop it would be for Blizzard to nerf it.
Ill get millions in wow?
So your problem with them is that they give a buff? A buff that still has warriors below mages and warlocks?
I just don’t understand what needs nerfed here.
Also money laundering, extortion . . . all that to better themselves and their families. People don’t cheat because it’s the sporty thing to do ffs.
It’s not about over all class balance it’s about whether the item is working the way it should or not.
And right now it seems like no for a couple reasons. First it seems to have been missed when blizzard switched to the rating system, which they did specifically so items like this would not stay as good at 70. Second the buff stacks, what other buff stacks instead of just overwriting? Like I’d love having 5 blessing of kings or whatever.
The risk is worth the reward to them. Thats RL, this is a video game. Its a horrendous analogy that holds no water at all
If you gain nothing from it, why does it matter if it gets nerfed?
You do understand that that comment was made in relation to an analogy right? Or are you just wandering into the middle of two peoples convos without knowing the details of it?
Ill catch you up. Kerg thinks players taking steroids=wow trinket use. One nets a person millions of dollars and is the very reason for the risk. The other nets no dollars, is not a risk. There is no comparison, that was the point.
1st post on that lol
Money is not necessary. Parsing and peer pressure is enough to cause most players to use it, as we saw with world buffs. Even if they don’t like it, most are not strong enough to say no, not when everybody else is doing it and it becomes expected. So it’s up to Blizzard to step in and say no, for the players’ own good.
Class balance is a separate issue. If you want them to rebalance the classes, ask for that. Not going to happen, but you can certainly ask.
This is about a broken level 45 item giving a game-changing 27.6% buff, yes. It was obviously not intended to be used in that manner and the effect is a significant nerf to the entire game. This game doesn’t need any more nerfs.