Let’s just double all boomkin, ele shaman, spriest, enhance dps so they can be inline with the top dps also. That’s not gonna create any problems whatsover is it.
Lets ask this big question. Lets get to the REAL flaw in gameplay design and get away from the one youre making up.
Why is it that even with the 25% haste buff in the game ranged still dominate so much? We both know what the real issue is. But this is the scapegoat you use. To pretend that some chicken is the real issue and not the horrendous balance.
Maybe just maybe it’s not because of a dps disparity but because rogues and fury bring almost no utility and in tbc utility is more important than in any other expansion. Even with that being the case you will see more and more melee stacks going forward because armpen is so powerful.
You will get the balance that you are crying so hard for even without chickens.
Good! You prove even more that there is no need to change this lol. You and me both know that even with this chicken people arent stacking melee anywhere near the level that theyll stack ranged. Because even with chickens ranged are a superior dps choice AND they bring more utility
Ladies and gentlemen Im glad we can all agree on what ive been saying all along. That this is a non factor
I literally just said that despite their lack of utility, you will still see melee stacks going forward. You will see speedrun comps stacking fury more. So it’s not enough that melee will be at the top of meters, they also have to get 27% haste to completely obliterate anyone below them? And you talk about how you want dps to be balanced. Be honest, you just hate ranged dps and you want to be on top.
So you are worried that guilds will stack fury warriors and they will blow all others out of the water?
But you are ok with ranged dps doing that right this moment…because
Not in the lease. Im actually perfectly fine with ranged sitting on top right now. Just kinda taken back that people like you want them so far ahead. That for some reason being the best isnt ok because its not by enough.
Id say just leave both groups alone and let players make choices. Ranged will still be crazy strong due to their dmg+Utility and melee will just be more in line. Also I’m kinda big on people making choices and not having daddy blizzard step in when a select few cry about optional things. When they listened to the players we got retail.
Yeah and you are asking for the same class imbalance
cant help but laugh at the “melee stacking” since were getting ranged stacking with the chickens currently existing. You guys are so caught up pointing a finger not realizing the issues you have already exist, and what you are pointing at didnt cause it
Most guilds that aren’t tryhards have a good mix of melee and ranged. Some of the top guilds even run with multiple rogues. There is no comparing Classic melee stacking and TBC ranged stacking. Some fools looked at pserver data which was flawed and assumed only ranged would be viable. Whereas in Classic it was because melee had the complete advantage.
Melee scale far better so allowing these cheese strats to exist is going to just bring back that terrible meta.
I never said any stacking was good. Don’t be so obtuse. The only reason people even stacked ranged was because A. Hunters were obscene DPS phase 1 and B. People took pserve info to heart thinking melee would be useless.
Melee aren’t useless even though some mechanics hinder them, unlike Classic where melee could park on the boss.
Nobody is going to run more than 2 groups of casters anyways, you can always put melee in the hunter group. Enhancement shaman + Warrior with 2-3 Hunters is great.
Weird how it’s “Breaking the game and exploiting” when people min-max their characters, but when content is “too hard” they beg for nerfs on current content.
Almost like people prefer to be rewarded for preparation and strategy… I believe there’s a category for this… an RPG?
I doubt that the absence of world buffs has anything to do with SoM’s low population. It’s most likely almost 100% to do with the fact that most of us just got through spending 2 years playing vanilla and don’t want to play it again so soon.
I also don’t think that world buffs kept original vanilla alive, ha. Most who played it would have still done so had they been removed, IMO.
This is about the integrity of the game. About not allowing broken, cheesy exploits to corrupt an otherwise excellent game design. Some people think integrity is important. Others obviously don’t.
Yea I bet you were crying for hunters and warlocks to get buffed in classic to stop the melee stacking meta. Give me a break dude. This is about you and protecting your parses.
I got my chicken last week. We have 2 total in our raid now. All my best parses came from before it.
/yawn. Push your hypocrisy elsewhere
Muh tegrity
Im sure you have a post somewhere here advocating against things like the pillar strat on vash because you care about the integrity. Its ok, I dont either because unlike you I really dont care how others are playing the game. I can make choices for myself and enjoy the game my way instead of getting so caught up in others choices that im willing to ask for sweeping changes so that theyre forced to play my way. Thats what you are doing.
I don’t care who stacks what on their own team but keeping chicken as is will possibly bring back a toxic meta. Drums were changed for a reason.
People keep saying nobody will stack chickens yet 4 of my guildies just switched to engi, you just got your chicken and more will soon follow as the haste craze catches on.
If they want to change the chicken’s haste to include cast speed haste that would be great but they won’t do that.