Battle pets in the Guild Bank

There’s a bug where pets that are stored in guild banks are reverting to a generic pet cage. On my main guild the entire pet tab is all now showing just cages. With two personal guilds I have it’s about half and half.

If you remove them to a character bag they again show what pet they are, but putting them back in the guild bank they again revert to just the generic cage. I’ve removed them all for now in case they eventually are lost permanently.


There’s another thread on this. Hopefully the blues will see one of them and not treat it like they did the Great Blizzard Guild Bank Heist of 2024.


I also just discovered this exact problem on 1 of my AH alts gbank. Some of the pets do appear normally but they are pets that I had not learned then caged, they are just the “item” that you learn since some are not soulbound & it can be quicker to just ship them to my AH alt this way. Many of the pets are the racial pets bought from vendors (Dragonhawks, Owls, Moths, etc) but crafted pets are also affected as are various holiday & random drop pets. I also noticed that when mousing over the cages that the tooltip had a notation that “This was never available to players. Never Implemented>Battle Pets>MoP>5.04. Added with Patch 5.0.0” This appeared even on pets that I know were from racial vendors. Also, the cages look almost grayed out compared to what they should look.


Reporting same; all caged pets are just cage icons. Mouseover does not tell you what they are. Moving them to inventory reverts the issue. Please fix, really annoying if you have a full tab of pets.


I’m experiencing this problem, as well. Two guild banks full of pets. As others experienced, ones that were not caged before appear fine. I will have to add additional characters to these guilds to try to move the inventory out.


This is also affecting my guild’s bank.


Created an in-game ticket. Got canned response back suggesting I do things that I stated I already did in the ticket…

1. Temporary display issue. Try restarting the game client.
2. Addon conflict. Disable pet or guild bank related addons.
3. Corrupted guild bank data. Try moving pets to your inventory.
4. Pet modification/removal. Check if pets are properly identified.


Also occurring to my guild bank. Not all battle pets say “Pet Cage” but over half of them do say this.

this is what discourages me from opening tickets anymore. the last ticket I opened, I reopened 4 times and the response I received was either not related to my issue or mentioned things for me to try that I included had already been tried within the ticket.

Now I just suffer in quiet and cross my fingers that eventually maybe they’ll solve the issue


I created a ticked Thursday; my response from them was the same as yours. I replied back with “I tried this, but it does not work” I Got the same exact reply on both tickets of “I still have an issue”

I just woke up to a new reply with the same reaction. I get they have no idea what’s going on or have no way to fix it…but say that.

I spent yesterday making 32 & 34 slot bags for alts. I have 3 full guild vaults full of pets. I lost a lot of stuff at the start of the xpac from the first guild bank disaster that I didn’t complain about, including a tab of DF greens I planned on using for DEing. What was returned to me when they “fixed it”? Junk I left in there in case anyone needed it like the patterns from under the Christmas tree that no one needs. LOL

Anyway, I’m pulling a “better safe than sorry” move by putting these pets into regular bank tabs. fingers crossed for a Tuesday fix but I’m doubtful.


I’m still too afraid to put anything else in the Guild Banks. :broken_heart:


I too am having this issue. I have one guild bank full of caged pets that just say “Pet Cage”. I can pull them out and they return to an actual pet, but having to try to remember what pets I put where is annoying.


I’m having this same issue I noticed on Nov. 5th. I put in a ticket haven’t heard back.

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Our guild is having the same issue. I even tried relearning the pet, putting it back in a new cage, and then depositing it back into the guild bank. It just reverts back to a blank (pet cage) while in the vault.

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Also have this issue on “Pet Cage” x 21, got a “this is a bug, we can’t fix this or restore the items” response. Might have been nicer if they’d commented that pulling them out would revert them, last I looked at bugs involving guild banks it was said NOT to remove/move stuff because it would make them harder to track in the database.

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Adding to say My 6 tab guild bank which is nearly full of pets is also affected. I tried the fixes but they didn’t work for me either.

Another maintenance has come and gone; guild bank still bugged when it comes to battle pets.


Yeah, I logged in hopeful this morning only to see the bug still hasn’t been fixed.


I have this issue with my guild for just pets.

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This is happening with one of my guild banks as well. One of the same guild banks that was gutted from the previous fubar that blizzard said whoopsie to.

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Having the same issue in my guild bank. 80% have become the generic pet cage.

I wouldn’t expect much from those submitting tickets. The GMs don’t have anything to do with bugs. We have to post them here or the in game bug report if we want them to be seen.