Battle Chickens Banned on Logs starting 15th

i dont think you understand.

its the equivalent of using steroids in a competitive sport. sure you can but you dont because its against the rules and the spirit of competition.

using steroids (and chickens) directly invalidates your accomplishments because the competition cant and isnt using them.

that out of the way, abusing an item that dismisses your pet from harms way and resummons it at full health to avoid having to get good at the one mechanic blizz intended for your class is defiitely an exploit.

petty, petty, petty

What’s so special about these chooks?

You don’t really understand how tonk works do you?

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If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? Similarly, if you do more dps with chickens, but nobody can see it, do you actually do more dps? And if so, does it really matter?

Your argument might have some validity if the primary goal was to simply kill the bosses. That was the goal, and still is for some guilds. But for guilds that already have all the bosses on farm, the goal shifts to something entirely different. Parses and clear speeds. And without Warcraft Logs, that second stage minigame is simply not possible.

And maybe none of that matters to you. Fine. But this is a team game. And if others on your team enjoy measuring themselves and their guild against others on Warcraft Logs, which is the case in most guilds, you would be selfishly screwing them out of their fun by using a chicken and invalidating everyone’s logs. Justified grounds for a /gkick in most guilds.

So your idealistic argument doesn’t have much relevance in the real world.

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What are your thoughts on tonks?

Do you consider it an exploit?

The simple fix here, is that if they behave like a pet, that you have to dismiss your pet in order to summon your tonk.

The Steam Tonk controller was never intended for the purpose that it’s being used for in a general sense, which is parsing - it’s not required to kill bosses in TBC raids.

The same exact thing can be said for chickens, which is why comparing them together is legitimate.

Both items were created in vanilla, one was for increasing PVE DPS, the other wasn’t. Which one is more out of line from a game mechanics and log parse culture perspective?

I think the answer is clear.

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Probably. I don’t think the original developers intended that they be used in that way. But I think their effect on the game is probably pretty minor, so I don’t think it’s a big deal, and I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. If it was increasing hunter dps by 25%, I’d feel differently.

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I think the game ended with a lot of items like this.

Like warrior flask sets lmfao.

Things blizzard just wont touch.

They didn’t really even nerf the chickens.

Wcl is what actually did.

We don’t know what Blizzard was planning. Based upon their comments, I think they were probably planning on fixing chickens in some way.

But then it seems that they stumbled upon the current fix while they were fixing something else, and they probably said, hey, that works, and it’s accurate to 2.1, so let’s roll with that. And I bet they knew that WL was going to ban them once they became so random, and I’m sure they were happy to shift the “blame” to someone else.

Maybe you aren’t familiar with how chickens were used/activated if this is your perspective, or maybe you’re intentionally being misleading. I’m not sure which.

Yes you put the trinket on and stood there and got attacked then poped the trinket and got an immediate squawk.

What was changed was true to it’s last change in tbc which is why they now proc how they did in 2.1.

Tonks weren’t changed in tbc to act any different than they do now.

You can still get 5 squawks on a party and it still provides the same amount of haste.

So what you’re saying is that if you couldn’t guarantee that tonks worked when you used them, that it wouldn’t be considered a nerf. Got it!

You heard the man, blizzard! Make tonks a random chance to work, and have it take up to 2 minutes before it ultimately can just fail outright.

Why are you moving the goal post??

Chicken work how they worked in tbc.

Tonks work how they worked in tbc.

Are you still confused?

Your suggestion that chickens weren’t nerfed is incorrect.

There was a fix put in, which resulted in them being nerfed.

You’re using semantics to try and belittle the concern of the players, and refusing to acknowledge the reason behind their use with the #nochanges justification.

Blizzard has already explicitly stated that they are not following #nochanges, so in the spirit of what the fix was that broke chicken’s role in PVE DPS, the same should be done for other vanilla items (like MQG) that don’t belong as a part of the PVE experience in TBCC.

It’s really simple, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they did actually break tonk because of the implication for ‘fixing’ chicken.

They didn’t “nerf” chickens they fixed how they were broken.

Chickens we’re not acting how they were supposed to act in the last version of TBC, they didn’t make special changes for them or break them by patching something new, they literally just made chickens act how they were supposed to act.

Breaking tonks would be a direct nerf and actually change how they acted in tbc.

There is a big difference.

They directly nerfed another classic item, MQG - and even commented about why they weren’t going to ‘break’ chickens to restore their power. Why are you dissembling on the point regarding what Blizzards intentions are in regards to this?

The use of vanilla items to trivialize mechanics or improve kill times in TBCC raids/pvp are against the developers intent for the release and ongoing maintenance of this game.

Please explain why Tonk doesn’t fall under that condition, that Blizzard has already declared their intent on.

Yes mqg was nerfed in pvp only, why do you think that was???

None of you seem to understand why tonks are being used.

I used a total of 4 call pet in BT this week’s and I believe 1-2 of them are used to avoid pet piling when skipping trash.

I can’t tell how many tonks we’re used but call pet is used when a tonk is used so it’s safe to say I used up to 4 since I used “call pet” 4 times but like I said some of it was used to call pet back out after skipping trash but let’s say I used 4 tonks.

Tonks aren’t being used to “ignore” mechanics, tonking it’s a DPS LOSS, it takes 2 gcd’s to tonk a pet and call it.

Pet passive takes 0 GCDs so if I tonk it’s because my pet is going to be 1 shot or the path back to me is blocked by mechanics.

For example council say the tank has the boss in consecrate and my pet is standing inside it, I’d normally just pet passive him back to me while I kept shooting but I see theres a blizzard or flamestrike between me and the pet meaning my pet will literally die because I’m bringing him out of the consecrate to come back to me.

This is actually why tonks are being used, hunters atleast good hunters aren’t in there spamming 150 tonks a raid…they are literally a DPS loss.

You want something fixed you should be asking for blizzard to fix interactions like that and fix mechanics towards pet like they do later.

You aren’t for good changes tho, just petty changes.


Ha, WCL just banned Mr. Pinchy. F

Yeah I don’t know anyone who use that anyway.

Has anyone been banned for using steam tonks? Anyone? Has Blizzard said anything about steam tonks at all? No? Then calling it an exploit is flat out wrong. Exploiting is cheating, and cheating is a bannable offense. Stop calling things something they aren’t. YOU don’t get to make the rules.

And enough with the “git gud” BS. You obviously have no idea how pets OR steam tonks work. Using tonks is a dps loss. A DPS LOSS. The only reason hunters use it at all is due to crappy pet AI and pathing.

But since you’re obviously the champion of keeping everything fair and on a level playing field, feel free to head on over to the bug report forums and nag Blizzard about the Lurker bug, or the bug that causes pets to spawn with low health when you dismount, or the dozens of other hunter bugs. Your input is greatly appreciated.

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