Havent had to use my authenticator in months, just got a low battery warning. Any way to replace the batteries?
Install it on your phone instead, and transfer over.
The battery can’t be replaced but contact Blizzard support and tehy will replace it.
No, the battery cannot be replaced. And the keyfob is no longer produced as of last year. The only option now is to transfer to a phone authenticator, if you have a smartphone. I don’t (much to the surprise of Wyatt over at Diablo), so when my keyfob dies I’ll be authenticatorless.
Make sure to disable your authenticator in settings.
The batteries on these things are amazing… mine’s still kicking
I’ve had mine since…well when they first came out…kinda sad its dying
had the same thing happen to me a few months ago. had to swap to phone authentication.
You can still use it with any smartphone (without a service plan active) over wifi, or on your PC with an Android emulator.
Unfortunately no. Here is the article you’ll want to read to take care of turning it off or swapping it over to your smartphone:
And here’s the post last year that confirms they are no longer making physical ones:
Ohhh, nice. That might be a good option. Thanks
So you’re telling me there’s no way for those of us who a bit more tech savvy to crack that sucker open and put a new battery in there?
I find that hard to believe. Once my authenticator dies, I’ll be testing this out.
When someone asks if they can replace a battery, they’re asking about a manufactured way to slide a panel off and change a standard size battery of some sort.
No one asked if they could MacGyver it. Drop the attitude.
Drop the attitude.
Someone is unnecessarily touchy. Pop a chill pill, cheeko, there was no attitude.
there was no attitude
Although, there is one there.
When the battery dies, I expect it will forget its secret code. You might have to rig a way to keep it powered while you replace the battery, before it dies.
I assumed that was hardcoded? Could be wrong
Wait how do you play Diablo on mobile then??
Also, it probably has a clock that needs to be continuously powered.
Someone is unnecessarily touchy.
You’re the one who decided to nitpick changing a battery. I’m not the one with the problem. LOL