Batching needs to be a little bit less

At least this guy is bumping our thread all the time with his replies. So much effort in these posts, too I’m almost starting to believe he actually thinks this is working correctly. I’m amazed he’s not just a try-hard troll.

Actually I think there’s also some order of operations issues or something cause getting hit by stunned/dead mobs is strange.

Yeah, it matches it really well when I get attacked by a mob immediately after I used my cheap shot ability to open on said mob from behind. The mob, while stunned, turns around to face me and attacks me before being afflicted by the stun. Real authentic. By the way here is patch notes 1.10:


  • Creatures will no longer get one hit on a rogue before cheap shot takes effect.

But that’s not the case in classic. Do you know why? Becuase of the ARTIFICIAL server batching system they put in place which is NOT vanilla like.

In fact, this single bug demonstrates how it isn’t truly 1.12 based, because, if it was, the enemies attacking you when you’ve cheap shot them bug wouldn’t exist. It isn’t a 1.12 - based batching system.

It’s inauthentic, it is not in line with the experience of original vanilla, and it needs to go. They tried to accurately emulate it but failed to address certain orders of batching like stuns and interrupts which should cancel incoming casts and auto attacks. They messed up on spell batching, did not get it right, and it does not feel authentic at all.


spell batching is so indredibly dumb and unessecary, and the main reason why the whole #nochanges thing was inherintly dishonest from the start. I cannot begin to fathom why blizzard would want to make responsiveness worse for classic servers when the legion backend client can barely tolerate 40v40 player battles. I get a shooting migraine everytime i try to blizzard a group of mobs and they run through the entire cast THEN get slowed after theyre already beating on me. A terrible idea implemented by poor leadership.


this is because the damage from the frostbolt is batched with the proc from frostbite. removing the root from the damage proc of the frostbolt, it is HILARIOUSLY STUPID. the same thing happened if you frost bolt a target and then nova, the damage and root batches and instantly breaks nova. GG blizzard your superior programming literally breaks an entire class playstyle.


I figured that’s probably what was happening. It would also explain the extremely rare situations where I’ve seen my FN do damage, but no root occurrs ( can probably count the number of times that’s happened since launch om one hand).

I am curious if the Frostbite thing is happening in pvp. Haven’t had a chance to test it yet.

Then file a bug report. Asking for bug fixes so things behave as they did in vanilla is something I’m totally on board with.

What I’m not on board with is changes. The OP doesn’t want spell batching to work the way it did in vanilla; they want it changed.

Uh… it is based on 1.12 data, but obviously does not use the 1.12 client.

We’ve known that for years.

Spell batching was in vanilla. It is authentic.

If it’s not working correctly, that’s fine. File a bug report. Don’t ask to have it removed/changed just because you don’t like it.

You sir are part of the problem. The only reason it’s authentic is because everyone had crap dial up in 2004. Blizz needs to shorten the batch window or remove it.


Not everyone. I certainly didn’t. Everything you guys experience with batching is what I experienced in vanilla.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter why it existed; only that it did.

There are all sorts of dumb decisions Blizzard made when designing the game, but they shouldn’t be changed because that totally defeats the point of Classic.

Batching is one of those things. It’s not just a technical limitation; it has a very noticeable effect on gameplay.

Nope. If you don’t like it, quit playing. /bye

And batching today doesn’t work the same as it did in vanilla for reasons that have been explained.


I run my VPN through Australia to get an authentic vanilla ping. I don’t notice the spell batching.

Its literally how vanilla was coded and played. Dont like it. Tough.

Spells were put in a queue as to when they were used.

Batching bad. No work like vanilla.

This guy’s the most dedicated troll on here, lmao.

Today is the first time Ive been on these forums and most of these threads have this same druid going “Well AcTshUaLLy…”
He needs to get a life.
And yes this issue needs to be fixed please Blizzard and I hope more ppl speak up.


People did file massive bug reports during beta and nothing was fixed.

Or you’re going to start the stop watch, and if i hit it to early, your spell isn’t interrupted, and if i hit it too late, the spell goes off AND it isn’t interrupted. And then we do this a dozen times, i’ll get pretty damn close to getting it perfect by the last one i assure you.

Even a mouse can pick up simple patterns buddy. What’s wrong with you?

No changes. Go back to retail

Fix pls!!!