Batching needs to be a little bit less

Even retail uses batching
It just uses it on a smaller frequency.

Vanilla could have very well been centered around that batch time though, not positive of course, but if they built other things around it, it might screw things up to simply change the batch frequency.

I would not mind seeing it at least halved, but not if it messes up other things, it’s how it was then so i can work with it

Imagine if Tuesday maintenance hit this week and batching was fixed.

imagine if blizz did anything right, and didn’t make the wrong moves all the time.





Not only spell batching need to be reduced, it need to priorise certain things like interrupts and traps just like it was in Vanilla.


eckthuthe me but dith thounds like NO CHANGETH TO MEEEE durr

there is no reason to have this type of netcode in the game in 2019.

Bumping as it makes charge legit impossible to get off before a dot gets put on you

I love charging right as I get Cheap shotted or HOJ so im stunned as I reach my target …. its so great… (Sarcasm)

It’s the queue processing that needs to go. For some reason attacks that get interrupted or stopped are executing anyway.

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I was privately hoping this would be an anti-complaint thread, but no: I just find people batching about their issues, the silly batches. :slight_smile:

we don’t need no stinkin batches


Batching just makes the game clunky. And it doesn’t even work like it did in vanilla. Just scrap it or scale it way down.

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No, vanish does that anyway. What it does allow is vanish giving you complete immunity to everything for a solid second; including aoe spells that would normally effect you

Also batching needs to go, it’s horrible and nothing like the original system

+1 screw batching

Every day, batching makes me feel like quitting. I remember the occasional stunned or sheeped at the same time, or I saw my heal land, but the tank died anyway. It happens WAY more often now, and it needs to be fixed.

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I am somewhat convinced that blizzard is intentionally making decisions to (attempt to) make folks prefer the retail version of the game.

It was obviously a stupid idea to simulate slow 2004 servers artificially, but the community clamored for it for “authentic high skill vanilla PvP” and applauded Blizzard for “actually listening” when it was added. You think you do…

the problem is that they implemented it poorly. It should not be 400MS but like 100.

Do you have evidence that such happened beyond a small handful of posters on the forum?