Batching needs to be a little bit less

Man I remember the beta before the patched in spell batching, it was much more enjoyable, everything was crisp and responsive like it should be. Then over night it felt like you were playing through mud and half your abilities had an RNG component added to them.

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I didn’t get hit my CC’d mobs all the time in vanilla. Stop pretending their supposed checks with the reference client are some kind of gospel. Lots of things don’t work like vanilla.

Remove batching like yesterday, it really affects hunters. Im tired of hitting my shots, having them be delayed and then dealing with arrow flight time. Its so stupid.

Im not going to continue to play unless this is fixed, it’s not fun playing my class and having it feel so clunky.

Whoever thought this was vanillalike, or even a good idea, is stupid. Period.


So you were fine with it when it benefited you, but when you noticed ways it WASN’T benefiting you, it needs to change immediately eh?

How bad is it for hunters right now in PvP? This is my only character for classic but I keep hearing about how clunky they are and I definitely feel certain issues while leveling. Traps only being used only out of combat is ridiculous too.

Someone doesn’t know about the feign trap macro :wink:

You should never use Immolate in PvE, though, nor should you be talented for Conflagrate.

It’s not luck.

From what Blizzard said, they recreated the old process, which is why it was more work than just adjusting the window to be 400ms.

Then file a bug report to have it fixed rather than complaining about batching as a whole and asking for it to be changed or removed while ignorantly complaining stating that your abilities are behaving randomly.

The hardware you use to play the game is not a change to the game itself.

You answered your own question.

It is very responsive, actually.

But as to why batching shouldn’t be removed/changed, that’s because of the effect the system had on gameplay.

As you say, the gameplay is what makes Classic WoW what it is. You know what existed in vanilla? Spell batching.

I did. Any other ancedotes you want me to contradict with my own?

Of course. Blizzard isn’t perfect.

If you’re saying there’s some bugs with batching, I’m perfectly fine with them being fixed, but I’m not okay with outright changing spell batching because you don’t like the system.

It’s fine for Hunters that are familiar with the system.

Which is probably why they changed it later on, but that’s just how it was in vanilla.

Already got it prepped in my macros just have to pickup feign death. :wink:

So it’s a artificially increased skillcap? Is that because of the batching? Sorry I didn’t play until mid TBC and that was a mage, i’m learning as I go.

Players have no visibility to batches so yes where their spell will fall in a batch relative to other spells is entirely random on the player side.

Except they did not. They modified the modern server engine to have 400MS batches instead of 1 MS like in retail, but under the hood it still processes batches the same as the retail engine.

People have been filing multiple bug reports since batching was added in beta with extensive videos showing how it is screwed up. Blizzard has refused to fix or even comment on the issues.

You don’t have to see a queue to get familiar with priority and timers. It’s called experience.

It’s “artificially” increased insofar as every game’s skill cap is “artificial.”

Sort of, yes. It’s also based on different behaviors for various abilities in vanilla/Classic vs retail.

Feign Death, for example, works differently than it does in retail. People familiar with the old Feign Death use it just fine.


As an example, I can shift into Bear Form during a Warrior’s Charge/Intercept quite reliably now.

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And this has what to do with batching? Players literally have no visibility to server side batches at all. Making it completely random where your spell will fall relative to anything else.

You might be able to guestimate how your own abilities will land but as soon as any external factor is added which is basically the entire point of batching you lose any real insight.

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This is the stupidest thing I have ever read.

Okay. I’m going to start a stopwatch, and you’re going to press a big red button as close to 400 milliseconds as you can after I start it. Except I start it in the other room and you have no idea when I will start! Good luck!

But hey, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get better with experience.

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… everything?

Certain abilities have priority if they are batched together.

Damage is processed before healing, for example, which is why healers’ spells will go off despite their target dying to damage at the same time.

Difference being you see the first tick and can go from there.

Wouldn’t you, though? Pretty sure if you spent hours every day practicing hitting that stopwatch every 400 miliseconds, you’d get pretty good at it.

Correct but it is not consistent because of batching. For example you might have a heal and a damage land within say 50MS of each other, but because of batching the heal will randomly work or not.

Why? Because of where it fell relative to the damage on a purely server side process that players have no visibility to.

That is why batching adds a huge RNG element to things.

It seems like you think batches are relative to each individual player. But they aren’t they’re a server side 400MS window that spells are thrown at completely blindly by the players.

Sadly I believe that is the case with this. Especially Mr Ytydbyd.


Don’t you love unnecessary server side things that make the game world visually inconsistent…

lol? how does a 1 second FAP not benefit me. Those do benefit me, but its not true vanilla gameplay.

i’d say just remove it as a whole

no, its simple, make batching windows 200 ms and it should be fine.

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