Batching needs to be a little bit less

And that makes the unreliable…

If they will randomly work differently just based on where they fell in a batch they are unreliable.

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Perfectly reliable? I would like you to login to your mage, or find a mage and watch him cast Blizzard in the exact same position on the exact same pack of mobs five times.

Observe that sometimes they’re slowed immediately, sometimes they’re slowed when they’re halfway through the AoE, sometimes when they’re 90% of the way through the AoE, and sometimes they leave the AoE without being slowed at all. The player’s input does not change, the effect the spell has does.


Spell batching is pretty annoying, so many times ive landed a heal on a friendly target, just for it to be ignored and target dies anyways, combat log shows it landing after death…

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No, it doesn’t.

It’s not random. They work the same no matter what. The only difference is what else happened in that batch.

It behaves reliably. You just don’t understand the behavior, I guess.

The slow is applied regardless of the damage dealt (iirc), i.e. standing in the Blizzard will apply the slow even if it doesn’t hit you. That is updated at a different rate than the damage.

Not every spell is actually batched in the same 400 ms window, by the way.

Not sure why your healing targets are getting so low in the first place.

Aside from in PvP, I’ve never had that issue, and even then, I just chalk it up to me being too slow to heal (because that’s exactly what it was).

That is the definition of unreliable… if i can perform the exact same action and get different results it is unreliable.

And yes to the player it is completely random. We have no visibility to where our spell will fall in a batch or what other spells will be in that batch.


i read that title in a completetly different way…

And this is partly what makes it unreliable.

If we just had a consistent 400MS lag on all spells with no batching that would at least be predictable.

You don’t seem to understand. It performs the exact same action. The results being different isn’t a result of the ability itself working differently, but OTHER abilities or actions interacting with it.

Cheap Shot isn’t unreliable just because sometimes a person will trinket the stun.

I know how Blizzard works, thanks. The point you are apparently missing deliberately is that I cannot get the slow to behave consistently even if I am applying it in the same way. In other words; it is unreliable.

Because apparently Blizzard and some misguided #NoChanges numbskulls saw fit to hamstring the game with the tech problems of yesteryear.

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And now you are arguing semantics. I don’t care about the technical actions the spells adds to the batch, all I care about as a player is the end result.

If the end result can be random the spell is not reliable.

Misguided? The entire point of Classic is to recreate vanilla.

If you don’t like how the game functioned back then (and consequently works in Classic), either get over it or don’t play it.

It is perfectly reliable. You’re just not familiar with the system and aren’t playing with it in mind.

It is not reliable because it is not consistent. And the system is quite easy to understand your spells will randomly behave differently for no in game reason, great system…

Except they had to cludge back together a batching system because they are using the modern game engine which has a much better ability processing system and a lot of people feel it does not work the same as vanilla.

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It is consistent, actually.

They don’t behave randomly. You just don’t know what you’re talking about.

Actually, retail still uses batching. The window is just smaller.

lol at the troll pretending this is some amazing system they’ve crafted and players who have hundreds of days of gametime on vanilla characters just aren’t using it properly.

What a toolbox.


I never said it was an amazing system. That’s just how it was in vanilla, and thus how it should be in Classic.

If you don’t like it, quit.

Who is the troll, again, Mr. Insults?

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Now I can see you’re trolling so I will not engage with you anymore. lol the same as it was really.


You’re the one trolling, using insults instead of actual arguments.

Yep. That’s why Blizzard recreated batching to match their 1.12 reference client.

Were you not aware?

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So anyways. I was able to cast immolate chained to a conflagrate last night a couple times and not consume the immolate spell while still getting confalgrate damage. This bug in the batching might be beneficial at least sometimes in a pve scenario.

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Yes if you get lucky enough to have your spells land in the exact same spot in the batch every time they will work consistently.

Since that’s not possible…

And you seem to now understand what random means…

Yes it uses a form of batching, not only is the window smaller but they reworked the internals of how batching processes which were apparently pretty extensive.

Classic uses a larger window but the new batching process and it doesn’t perform as it should.

Ridiculous. The gameplay design is what makes Classic WoW what it is, not the necessary concessions that the server architects and back-end coders of the early 2000’s had to do in order to make it a reality.

Should I play this game on a crummy CRT monitor while I am at it? Why are there even improved graphics settings in Classic then? If the game can look better than ever, why can’t it be more responsive than ever too?