Batching needs to be a little bit less

keep it up guys, lets make this thread HUGE so that they cannot ignore it.


Was against spell batching from day 1.

It’s obvious that it has no place in the game. That’s not the ‘authentic’ feel people are looking for when they play classic.


Spell batching is a detroment to classic and should either be halved, or removed entierly, there is absolutly no need to have it. I dont spend tons of money on high speed internet just to be given simulated lag.


Simulated Lag for an “Authentic Experience” is stupid… Yes we want to play classic… but why would we want to play with lag that causes issues? I had 250ms in Vanilla on dsl and it felt a lot smoother than it does now… I could fake heals, counter spells and time things just fine in vanilla… but not in classic…


I agree its stupid pvp should come down to reaction time. I dont know why they would simulate lag to make it feel more authentic, if the original devs could they would never want this system, it was just a limitation of the time. Also, I heard it has some exploits such as shamans being able to get double crits from some spell/trinket that is only supposed to give them a crit on their next cast.


Hey look, another thread about spell batching! I mean yeah that is how you get your way. So keep it up! Spell batching will eventually go away due to complaining. It fixes everything.

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I believe many spells had special handling back in vanilla, including FD, vanish etc. The dev back then use batching as last resort with some very thoughtful spell priority on the batching table.

Come classic, esp with the utudbud guy as director, the devs don’t have a clue about the orig game philosophy . “cool, batching was 400ms, lets apply it across the board”


well thats the whole problem with todays game developers… they are usually non gamers who do not understand game philosophy and it just shows for like most games out there today.


He is talking about spell batching.
You could have a 3ms ping and your spell batching would still be 400ms no matter what, that is simply how it works.
Every 400ms the bucket of actions you have taken are dumped on the server to process, and you can not change that.

Retail also uses spell batching, but the process interval is much smaller than 400ms

I haven’t experienced any problems with batching yet, but I put it in the same bucket as leeway. They don’t need to add these things to try to “replicate the experience.” I get the sense that these additions started out as a passive-aggressive way to troll the nochangers, and then somehow got the green light and stayed in.


Not a day goes by playing this game where I don’t notice something “batching” me.

I had a tank die in raid because a heal I have a precise timestamp of in my logs failed to land after finishing three hundredths of a second before he took the final melee swing and died in his death log. My heal was simply absent from it as if it never happened.

But that’s not even the worst. The worst is playing PVP. Missing spell interrupts because it takes a moment to get Furor for Feral Charge. Having FD/Vanish just plain not work. People autoattacking or dodging in a stun. Having a clutch spell-reflector or Grounding Totem just fizzle. I just find it hillarious because a bunch of misguided idiots insisted on spell batching for the benefit of PVP, and it just feels like garbage because bads can win you and the game is unresponsive.


I was saying this from the beginning and more so after we played the demo. Batching is horrid and needs to be removed. All of the NoChAnGeS turds caused this.


It’s particularly funny when people try to claim a pure RNG mechanic is somehow skill based.

Right… I never understood how someone could justify spell batching being skill based. Being able to get lucky and abuse it is not a skill.

You clearly have no idea what batching is.

No, it doesn’t.

There’s an artificial 400ms server tick… it doesn’t cause you to lag but it gives you all the effects of it.

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No it doesn’t technically give you lag, it just gives your abilities servers side a random 1-400 MS lag and batches them in with everything that happened in that 400 MS window.

No, it doesn’t.

Well strictly speaking it isn’t RNG. It’s just that it is realistically beyond the capability of the player to realistically time and use abilities in such a way to get a “good batch”.

So in practice it might as well be RNG, because sometimes the batching window sabotages you and sometimes it doesn’t. There’s indeed nothing skill-based about it, except maybe the “skill” to recognize how it makes your abilities unreliable and to play accordingly.

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Your spells are perfectly reliable. You just have to play with the fact that others’ abilities can go off at the same time.

There is a lot of skill involved in that, e.g. Vanishing a Death Coil.

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