Basrikron World Quest

ok finally found what is causing the bug and the temp solution, you have to be there when the boss spawns first, if you’re not there on the initial spawn, your wq will not tag the boss as the objective so you wont get the credit.

what I did was stay for a kill on my realm and wait for respawn and kill it again on my realm without joining any groups.

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I can confirm, this works.

The WQ didn’t trigger the first time, but I got loot (Gold). The second time it triggered but I got no credit. Tried it in a group and solo for the third and fourth time. Left the area multiple times between each. I tried again when I woke up today and it still isn’t triggering or giving me credit. About to try for the sixth time.

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Same issue here. World quest triggered, engaged in group, survived the fight, got loot, but no credit

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same, killed it 3 times, no world quest credit

Day 2, third attempt, in a raid group, no credit.

same here, quest not starting when entering area.

So a day later and they still have not fixed this? I have tried 3 times between toons to get credit for this. :frowning:

As someone who sat around and killed this boss then waited for him to respawn 7 times today, I can honestly say this does not work.

Things I tried:

  1. For the first 2 kills, joined a raid group through the group finder. First kill I got the primal chaos but no other loot and no quest credit.
  2. Next I killed him twice on my own realm. No group. No quest credit.
  3. I decided to try again in a raid group. No quest credit.
  4. I disabled all my addons because someone reported that it might be an out of date addon. I waited for the respawn without a group on my own realm. Still no quest credit.
  5. Someone suggested maybe it was because the boss had limited tags, so the next kill (again own realm), I made sure I was the first to tag the boss. Still no quest credit.
  6. I then figured it was just dumb luck, so I sat around and killed him 4 more times (own realm, no group). Still no quest credit. I finally gave up and logged off for the day next to the dragon so I can try again later.

I understand that my experience is anecdotal, but I don’t think you’ve really found the solution nor the cause of the bug. This may have worked for you, but I don’t think it will work for everyone.

Also having this issue

I can confirm that the world quest does not activate (pop) when entering the area. I logged and disabled all addons and left and re-entered the area more than once. The quest simply does not activate and if it does not activate it will not credit you with a kill no matter how many times you kill it. This is a bug. Needs to be fixed.

I am on the Darrowmere server. Same issues. World Quest doesn’t pop up when you get near it and if I do it by group finder, I get no credit for the quest.

Having the same issue. Have tried relogging, reloading, leaving the area, WM on/off, etc. to no avail.

5+ kills for the boss. No credit.

Just to add in, killed him twice, got loot the first time and the Completion pop-up both times, no World Quest credit either time.

Same here. 2 kills and no quest credit, not showing that I’ve killed him, quest still on the map. Did the log thing after first kill, didn’t make a difference on the second.

(post deleted by author)

Same here just tried again today and still no loot nor did the kill count towards the wq…

Just tried it again, 3rd kill watched it spawn and still didnt get it…it seems you have to watch it spawn, and kill it outside a raid group…what crock lol

3 times for me. Still no dice. Two were in raids & one was just joining in. Was able to loot the first time tho.