Barrens chat (A place to chat :D)

in muh belly


I am waiting on a boat for teldrassil

I’m listenin to Imagin dragons while i farm for diamonds in MC lol

Wow that other forum jumped up posts lol

yea we kinda…took that one over lmao i was at 700 posts this morning.

did u guys hear the story about them wanting to have had a card game in vanlla, and have inns, and boats be places to gather and play that cardgame?

So hearth stone lol i remember the really terrible early alpha videos.


rofl holy crap mate

My thing was hearing about this supposed Ravenholt Quest line for Rogues.

yo i talk a lot.

That just makes me sad, ravenholt was so cool the first time i found it.

I came into WoW shortly after 2.0-- Rogue was my Main until WotLK.

Would have died to have this quest chain.

All i know is pancakes pwn waffles! Have some!

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Dissagree, at least my 5spice waffles do.

What class stuff do rogues have in classic, i played a warrior up till mid wrath.

yea i watched mark kern talk about it in his twitch stream a few days ago he shared some stories from ye olde days

said that certain mobs in the world would drop cards for you to use, and also wanted there to be a way for you to get the cards you collected in game in real life and be able to play the game IRL as well

I don’t even remember.

But supposedly this quest chain was going to reward sick Daggers.

thought that was cata quest line