Barrens chat (A place to chat :D)

well as far as i know wow has never had loot boxes, only mtx (microtransactions)

“When Discord has slipped to the bottom of the cycle than Concord has arisen…”

—something like Empedocles

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i need a new mouse, the ergonomic kind to solve for my rheumatoid arthirits, and i want lots of programmable buttons on it so i can program all my heals / dps spells into it. hoping the healbot guys make a classic version of it. its the one add-on i always make sure to update.


Sorry to hear about your arthritis. Mine is more neck and shoulder pain, from TMJ, and, unfortunately, from an assault last August.

Hopefully the release of Classic, coming just nine days after the first anniversary of the assault, will redeem the month of August.

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i had to get a new mouse about a year ago, tho i dont have any issues with my wrists or arthritis just yet around there, so i went with a razer mouse with 12 buttons on the side for my thumb xD I dunno how i lived without a mouse with so many buttons, it also forced me to get bartender another addon i have no idea how i lived without xD

ps sorry i decided to get up and wander outside and chat with mum n dad a little bit . but its hot as balls outside so back to my cave dwelling i went…


Wait, wait, I thought with my Neanderthal genetics I was the cave dweller here…

you saying i cant dwell in a cave of my own?!

I would NEVER keep a fellow cave dweller from a cave of his own!

I am back! Who missed me?



even more crickets

…I’ll be in my bunk.

I’m sorry about your arthritis. :frowning:

The quilboar shall rise.

And the orc chasing it shall die.

Well, once you’ve dipped your quill boar into your main orcs watering hole…

Roasted piggy. Yum yum.

“I come from the orcs, we eat with spoons and forks, we love to eat our pork.”

…You know, when I first heard that one, I thought he said “eat our born.”

Anyone know where to go for shaman water totem quest?


I remember it was on the top of a hill in the Barrens if I’m not mistaken… Southwest of Crossroads(?). Pretty sure.

Edit: Actually I was confusing where you turn the quest in to where fighting the elemental actually happens. That’s in silverpine:
classic dot wowhead dot com/quest=63/call-of-water

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Is Barrens Chat going to be the Classic Forums Lounge thread? If so then consider this thread blessed.

most likely

MIGHT please.

Where is the cake?