Barrens chat (A place to chat :D)

that’s right another thread topic for chatting,

Be kind to one another please,
Don’t engage trolls,
if you disagree discus them rather than going at each others necks,
Talk about what ever you like! even layered cake.

ENJOY yourselves!


IWell, I have never been engaged, but a Troll WOULD make a good fiancée, as Trolls are SOOO stone-hearted and true.

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Anyone seen makrik’s wife?


I hear she got engaged to some Troll…ran off.

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I mean, you gotta consider proportions…Trolls are, like, 9 feet tall.

So what can someone tell me about these SM run lasts night. Some posters believe the boss and mob damage was undertuned…

You know what they say about big ears… big hands… big nose…

he better be packin, cause that’s one funny looking dude.


lordy i leave the thread 5 mins and we already talkin about troll physiology


But I am single and looking… please engage me.

looks right to me i watched it live while i talked with u n the other last night people prolly getting confused with private server data once again

Leave again, it was just getting good, even got a troll to show up!

Edit: Laters all, time to call it a night before I get in trouble lol

;.; fine… -runs away to cry-

The new barrens chat, including this thread, will be a place where mass reporting happens when someone disagrees with someone else.


Good Night…but do stay and try causing some heartfelt trouble.

That’s gonna be hard in The Hinterlands and other troll areas!


Yes, NEs are always on the look out for Trolls…and I hear-tell NES see in the dark.

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Gnome rogue ganking at Crossroads, pls help

wut level o: do we need to bring in the big bois lol

I thought that, here, in The Barrens, we were ALL the Big Boys?

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well i mean we sittin here in the 13-20s range… could be a lvl 45 or 60 rogue o: