Sorry Bubble, if you were talking to me, but I have SOOO much trouble keeping up with all these acronyms that I don’t even know was “BiS” stands for, lol.
check this: the token is more expensive than the normal sub fee. so not only did they make it so people down on their luck could still sub to the game, they did so for a profit over the normal sub cost and solved the gold seller plague. simply an amazing feat.
Holy WoW…that’s so acquisitive it’s almost cruel!
TSM is an addon, trade skill master, you download a desktop ap, and the addon. the desktop app goes to a site that has an up to date log of all items and their prices, to each individual server. and communicates with the ingame addon so like if i see a nightfall ax on the AH it will tell me what it has been going for the passed week, and show me the difference in pricing compared to live. so lets say last week it sold for 100k right now someone has one up for 23k, imma buy it out and resell it later for 100k
Bis is best in slot
Well, Thank You Bubble, that is a great feel of information…and Thank You for curing one point of my ignorance.
yea i know a month sub is 14.99 and a token is straight up 20$
well the poor person never had to pay a cent. the buyer paid the extra pricey sub cost, got gold out of the deal and that pushed gold sellers out.
Holy WoW, a $5 profit…
yea it was to squelch gold seller and push em all to OSRS (old school runescape) then Venezuela had a power outage and OSRS was free from the gold sellers for a while LOL the market in that game actually fluctuated really hard i hear.
Pushing out the gold farmers must have been a RL blow to the Chinese economy.
which is not bad since they are one of the few companies still charging a monthly sub fee, but also, its been the same price for a long time. signs that the economy couldnt support increased prices without some method other than raising a normal sub price. thus was born every mtx and loot box under the sun
i feel like they should make a classic only sub thats 4.99 per month… coz id totally switch to classic only sub
So. Blizzard must have done some tricky hedging of the RL and game economy before committing to the Renaissance of Classic, which—at least at the outset—will be Loot Box free…
Blizzard would most likely calculate this as too great a loss.
i can tell you that blizzard did manually reduce the gold price on AH for tokens, one day it was 230k the next down to 130k and its not seen those numbers since a little before BFA…
It was really rather clever
They got to increase the sub cost, without actually increasing sub cost, push out gold sellers, and get some gold flowing around on servers which would otherwise just be sitting in players banks.
I rarely spend gold but I bought tokens which effectively sent my gold to another player that might use it.
i know but it makes more sense to me lol…i know we wont see it thats to much money lost especially with the millions im betting come back for just classic alone
Blizzard probably has balanced and figured out the tipping point for when Classic can be given a separate sub.
Probably figuring this into the Stress Test Login calculations even as we type, lol.
Something like an Actuary Table that seesaws between the Real and the Irreal economies of the game.
Prolly a triangulation…