Bards make zero sense in WoW

That’s just straight up not true OP

Long ago, Helgus was a vrykul bard who lived in Nifflevar and wrote three sagas: the Inv scroll 01 [Saga of the Twins], the Inv scroll 07 [Saga of the Winter Curse] and the Inv scroll 02 [Saga of the Val’kyr].[5]

Night elf bards were known to perform in Darnassus,[6] notably in parts of the Temple of the Moon, where they played music as soft as Elune’s light and as soothing as the gentle splash of falling water.[7]

In the Wildhammer clan, all the great Wildhammer heroes from ages past are kept alive through songs.[1]

Prior to the First War, the bards were noticeably sketchy when it came to the matters involving the Guardian of Tirisfal Medivh.[8]

During the Argent Tournament, the bards told tales of travelers offering winter hyacinths to a lonely maiden in return for gifts.[9]


Omg, someone found it. I can’t wait to see how he argues against provable fact :rofl:

I called it a while ago. He’s long since proven his emotions have made this decision and he doesn’t care what fact has to say about the matter

You have to balance it around DPS classes if it’s taking a DPS slot though.

And Blizzard are doubling down on that even further by removing the ability to buff Tanks and Healers with Ebon Might, further reducing how much they bring to the table.

Blizzard have done way more extensive reworks to way more popular classes. The MM Drama is overblown TBH, just the same dozen whiners who whine about everything, but they’re all replying to each other.

The small minority of people who played MM with Pets will either adapt or just go BM anyway.

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I mean how many major characters in WOW were monks before Pandaria introduced them.

Furthermore how many Evokers were there in the lore before DF?

Bard is a musician and it’s WAY easier to make a lore from it than with evokers or panda monks

Just make the E.T.C group to be the prime bard heroes and add new ones .

It’s not hard to imagine that musicians exists in the World of Warcraft lol

And just like monks and evokers they don’t have to have any previous lore tbh

They can make them critical to commune with Azeroth or the titans due to being able to atune and understand their melody or be able to nullify the whispers in the void that drives people mad by creating songs and sounds that overpower the Void rhythm

Super easy to crate a bard class and using sound based attacks and CC such as Irresistible dance forcing opponents to dance In place would be way more fun than some steampunk tinker class


Uh yes they do. The citizens of Azeroth, Outlands, Draenor, etc. give us quest, accompany us on quests, and assist us in raids on occasion.

ETC and co? Nope.

Fair enough. I’ll admit my memory has been skewed because of the MM drama.

Thank you for reminding me :clinking_glasses: I appreciate that.

I still think they shouldn’t give up on the idea of support. It’s a breathe of fresh air that just needs some more attention and competition to thrive. But that is how I see it.

I also understand where people are coming from thinking removing the role altogether is the best idea for game health so I can’t down anyone for that. As long as Aug is gone or no longer the only support class for me haha

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They would be cool as hell and I love this idea. I think they should also use Order and Chaos based magic, like classical music or something for Order, and obviously something jazz-based for Chaos.

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Music based abilities.
Attributes is an irrelevant point because all classes operate on the same fundamental attributes system that has been a part of the game since it began.
Healer / Support / DPS, primary abilities are accompanied by musical riffs / notes / what-have-you, spell effects probably mirror something like Azerite if they source their magic from Azeroth itself. Hire the people behind the Musician addon or just implement the tool into the game so they have something flavorful they can use to play music with an option to opt out of hearing it, and just because I’m feeling accessibility today I guess there could be an option to disable the sound of your own spells if it bothers you as well.

There is currently not a single class that uses the Radiant Song or Azeroth as the source of its power.
I’m surprised that even needs mentioned.

What about unnamed NPC’s friend. That’s the point. You saying unnamed NPC’s that we will never and have never interacted with aren’t canon?

But, have fun. You don’t want to see fact. You just want to cry until someone tells you they understand. Maybe you will get that

We had Chen Stormstout from WC3.

Furthermore how many Evokers were there in the lore before DF?

They’re playable versions of WoW dragons. So there were plenty of them.

Bard is a musician and it’s WAY easier to make a lore from it than with evokers or panda monks

Cool, name a Bard hero we can base this class on.

Just make the E.T.C group to be the prime bard heroes and add new ones .

They need to be actually brought into the lore first.

They aren’t.
At best they’re Dragonkin, closer to Dragonspawn and Drakonids, but they are explicitly not Dragons. Just a hybridization.

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Only if they survived the journey.
As far as known, only one Mage initially survived the journey, maybe Bards weren’t that lucky.

ETCs aren’t unnamed NPCs though.

And like the ETC, you can’t base a new class on unnamed NPCs either.

Really? What can dragons do that Dracthyr can’t?

You can base a new class on many things, regardless of pre-existing Heroes from WC3.
You just have to be creative and work within the limitations of the setting.

Yet all the classes thus far are based on heroes from WC2 and WC3.

Why do you think that is?

Alright… Twist two different topics together to create a whole new point that’s still irrelevant :rofl:

You have said, if we don’t interact with them they aren’t canon. I walk past NPC’s all the time I’ve never been able to interact with and will never interact with. They are 100% still canon.

We don’t interact with all the denizen’s of the Dark on Faire either but they are still Canon. ETC has been in the game much longer than you have, so if they aren’t canon neither are you :rofl:

Why do you?

Maybe I’m just jaded from playing this game for two decades, but I cannot get over the fact that there’s nothing that really exists in the game for a support spec to just thrive.

In other games, Supports have near exclusive access to Healing or utility, like in Rivals or Overwatch, but obviously we already have Healers to fill that role.

In other games, Supports exist purely as a character that can contribute with low-economy to enhance the abilities of high-economy characters (MOBAs like LoL or DOTA), but in WoW there’s no economy to enhance (in combat at least).

I can’t see a situation in WoW where a viable support isn’t simply an overpowered DPS. Adding more specs doesn’t change the fundamental problem that a Support will take a DPS’s spot so it must contribute comparable, if not greater damage than a DPS does via force multiplication.

This creates the current tuning issue we have where Aug is REALLY bad at low levels of play, where you don’t have much force to multiply, but makes them near mandatory at higher levels of play where coordination is the name of the game and Aug is pretty busted when you coordinate stuff.

Abilities used to bolster others have been a thing since forever. Aug just does it a little more than most. There’s a basis for it and always has been. Dracthyr are also the result of mad science gone wrong (In Neltharion’s eyes at least) so…yeah, there’s plenty of wiggle room.

Bard…yeah, it could fit, but we haven’t really heard much about bards in Warcraft. I’m sure they exist, as they are typical in any fantasy setting with their songs of heroic deeds, but I can’t even think of one off the top of my head.

So yeah, it could be done. They would just have to make it make sense for them to be a combat class. :man_shrugging:

Because Blizzard’s goal was to make the WoW classes based on Warcraft heroes.