Barbershop SoD P4

Inspecting is a forceful action, seeing someone pass by and seeing the gear is a natural action. Its not the same.

Meaning to gear is what makes it awesome.

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Putting on gear with good stats, but sometimes it feels better to put on gear that actually looks good.

I’d rather wear Parasomnia over ACP or even Chieftain’s Bane, for example. I got Parasomnia, why should I be forced to replace its look for some grey weapon that happens to be bis? It’s dumb.

Just so some guy who’s too lazy to /inspect knows exactly what I’m wearing? Who tf cares?

I acquired this cool looking weapon, I should be able to show it off for the rest of the game.

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This is a subjective point of view. Which brings it back to the original point. You will never understand as you choose not too. Just because subjectively you prefer something doesn’t mean subjectively someone else doesn’t prefer the opposite.

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So in a world with transmog, you still have the option to not transmog. If you find value in slowing off your ugly lionheart helm model, you’re welcome to. You could even make a guild of like-minded people. Call yourself the ‘Mogless Ones’ or something. That would be cool.

Just don’t force everyone else to your value system. We should be able to show off our cool items in battle for as long as we want.

Idk why you keep saying “your” you have completely missed the point again.

The majority of classic players have this value system. Not all, but a majority.

I am done responding. As I said you guys purposely misinterpret over and over and choose to not understand. As I will get nothing from your talking to you rest assured you are on my block list so I don’t have to see it.

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Again, I totally understand your view. You value being able to see what someone is wearing at a glance. I can appreciate this view to some extent.

The reason I disagree with your view is that it forces people to wear ugly bis gear over gear that actually represents their character. WoW is an MMO but it is also an RPG. Self expression is a big part of the game, and transmog allows us to keep the items that actually represent us while also being bis.

Do you understand this perspective? If not, why not? If so, why do your values of ‘easy recognizability’ supercede my values of self expression?

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Wut. Not not wanting barbershop is now a gate keep? unreal.


heh ill say the only true compromise that would be agreed on from both sides.

make transmog a toggle of show or not show (also have it off by default) .

that way people can transmog all they like and others arent forced to see it if they dont want to.

that is the only acceptable solution to this .

and before they add the toggle in game , if it doesnt work or they cant get it to work properly they scrap it and transmog till it does work.

that i and many others would accept.

anything less … nope.


Literally from their own mouth. If you actually cared about the conversation, you would already know this. Part of me thinks you do and you just want me to give you the information anyway. It’s literally an interview with Nora Valletta and Josh Griendfield from February 24th

“We are envisioning an interesting place for them to move to that allows them to keep some of the itemization that we’ve added in Season of Discovery. Something very similar to Classic Era but not existing Classic Era realms. As far as possibilities, our team is fortunate in that there are a great many very exciting directions we could take the future of Classic.”

“There’s a lot of things we can do with it, and we’re building it in a way that it’s reusable if needed. We really want to keep an eye on what’s well received and what are the things that we probably don’t want to carry forward. It would be a shame if this stuff was completely lost and so we’ve been telling people that no matter what, your characters at the end of the season will be able to go someplace cool.”

This is saying without saying, that they aren’t going to the Classic Era servers (because you lose everything that makes them sod, along with a year + worth of development on the game world) and they will not be staying in SoD because SoD is what its acronym stands for, SEASON. So the only other place they could go is a Classic+ realm. Whatever they decide to call it, and whatever people like you consider it, for the sake of conversation, it is their version of classic +. Not matching to the private servers they adopted ideas from doesn’t matter, because those servers aren’t blizzard and they aren’t official. This is.

If you’re going to argue for the sake of arguing AT LEAST get out from under the rock you always hide under until this conversations immerge again.

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It is quite baffling seeing something as inconsequential as changing haircuts become such a point of contention for some. How a barbershop can erode the integrity of the game is beyond me.


I never said that SoD charecters were moving to Clascic Era servers. Quote me where I did or stop talking.

I’ve specifically made it clear that SoD and Era are two separate games. It’s almost like you don’t know how to read.

This has to be the cringiest thing I’ve ever heard. “If you have a life and aren’t 100% invested into everything that is World of Warcraft, then that means you don’t care.” I can easily make some predictions about you from this one quote. I know for a fact that the people around you in real life only tolerate you, nothing else. You’re for sure the guy who tries to argue every little detail, even when he’s agreeing with someone. I predict you get fired from your job soon.

I never saw that quote from the devs which is why I never made the claim that SoD was Era. Your reading comprehension is honestly baffling. Oh man you really showed me by agreeing with me.

Also, we really don’t know if SoD is it’s own permanent thing yet. It could be it’s own ARPG style separate from Classic+ servers. Again, no one really knows. So stop talking like you’re apart of the development team. Ideas change all the time. You literally agreed with me and then “quoted the devs,” and they said, “we don’t know.”

At least try harder if you’re going to try and one up me.

Bye Felicia.


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That’s actually a very good solution!

“Whoever spares the rod hates their playerbase, but the one who loves their playerbase is careful to discipline the retail brains and wrath babies.” – Proverbs 13:24

It’s literally in the Bible. Stopping the barbershop is literally for your own good and you should be thanking us.

This isn’t about you. You asked me where I got my information on where SoD characters where going. Since you don’t care enough to actually be knowledgable on the information and would rather just argue, I gave you BOTH quotes, just for you to pivot to “omg but I didnt say they were going to Era did I???” as if anyone asked what you thought about it. No one cares what you thought because we have two developers directly telling us already.

You in fact did not say that, nor can you say that, because they aren’t different. They are both Classic WoW. They will forever both be classic wow until blizzard finally decides to add new zones/dungeons/raids like they promised and shown. Even then guess what, it’s still a version of Vanilla and not a separate game, because SoD, Hardcore, and Era are all on the same client server-side. If it were a separate game, it would literally open a separate realmlist, just like retail, PTR, and [insert expansion name] classic.

If I wanted to say this, I would have. You are either intentionally playing dumb like you don’t know the information I just gave you, or you already know the information I gave you, and are deciding to act like you don’t care enough to, even if you didn’t see the information the first time, to at least confirm what I or anyone else is saying. You’re just here to argue, which ultimately means that yes, you don’t care or you wouldn’t just be arguing with every single person that replies to you.

Which again, I literally don’t care if you saw it or not, the fact you made this thread means at minimum, you forgot what they said. What matters is that I gave you the FULL QUOTE and all you’re doing is STILL arguing with me.

Read the rest of the reply you decided to take just the sentence your attention span lasted on. Yes we do.

I gave you direct quotes the developers. I don’t care if you don’t like it or it makes it hard to argue, it’s legitimately from them, my stance on it, since I haven’t said it in this thread at all (funny how you can claim I’m trying to act like a developer when nothing I said was even my own words, but whatevs) is that unless they have changed their mind the Current Timeline is SoD Characters will get their own server per blizzard’s own words

You can’t actually be a human being with a brain. Huh??? Since when was this ever about me. Do you know how free speech works? You clearly have no idea how communication works. You literally contradicted yourself WITH the developers quotes. You simply have no idea what you’re talking about. I wish a developer would come and read this thread just to laugh at you.

Of course I can. SoD and Era are two completely separate games and yes they’re both still classic. I never said SoD wasn’t classic. Again, quote me where I did. You can’t. SoD is not Vanilla WoW. Clearly you’re trolling at this point, or you have no idea what the difference is between Vanilla and Classic WoW. You’re literally flip flopping and contradicting yourself every time you speak. You’ve agreed with me this entire time.

What are you yapping about? Huh?

No we don’t. The devs said they don’t know what the exact direction of Classic will be yet. Again, you’re literally talking as if you know. You don’t. “There’s many directions we can take.” As in they don’t know what single direction they’re taking yet. You’re reading comprehension is literally that of a 6th grader. You know what? That was a compliment. Honestly, I don’t even think you could comprehend reading at a kindergarten level.

If they aren’t going to Era then where would they go Einstein? Obviously to a separate server that’s completely different from Era. I never said they were going to Era. Why would they go to Era? That wouldn’t make the slightest ounce of sense, which is something you don’t have. Quote me where I said they were going to Era. Again, you can’t.

You’re arguing just to argue even though you’re agreeing with me. You’re literally just harassing me and trying to derail the thread. Either stay on topic, or I’ll be reporting you from here on out. This thread is about the barbershop nothing else.

I know it hurts your wittle feelings, but SoD is not Vanilla WoW and the devs don’t know what direction they’re taking Classic yet. Maybe learn how reading comprehension works.

Thanks for the free bumps though, I appreciate it. At this point I’ll just do the same as I do for all trolls and copy/paste the same reply over and over again. You’re just making yourself look like a fool.

Stay mad. Go play Era if you don’t want changes made to Vanilla WoW. It’s simple.


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It’s very clear you’re only here to argue. So argue with a brick wall I guess, since you can’t understand what anyone is saying in this thread.

SoD is not Vanilla. The devs described it as “classic with extras” at blizzcon.

You clearly have no idea what the difference between Classic and Vanilla WoW is. I won’t even bother to read anything you say anymore.

This thread is about adding a barbershop in P4. If you don’t like any changes made to Vanilla WoW, then go play Era.

Thanks for the free bumps.

Stay mad.



You know what they should do? Make transmog a toggable option so that petty players can be happy of seeing the same usual gear on everyone endgame and pretend that its crucial for that big open world PvP experience of guaging a player before combat.

Still trying to find where people get that weirdly specific idea

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you know a great way to experience new hairstyles? alts :expressionless:

They both belong to the set Classic WoW, yes. That does not mean they are the same :expressionless:

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