Bans being issued for SS leavers

Bans are not appropriate course of action for leavers. It’s a video game get over yourselves if you’re entitled to think this is a bannable offense. Banned from the mode maybe but not the game. NO ONE should be held hostage in this game. Fun should come first.

They are probably working on an actual real solution and are not quite sure what that looks like. So they are not saying anything about it yet. On top of that I am sure several people took time off to relax.

SoloQ is an extremely toxic mode. It involves identifying the games weakest link and continuously training that singular person for 6 rounds straight.

Something like an extended deserter buff would be an acceptable form of punishment and rating adjustments after each round, not after the 6 would go a long way. Making a 2v2 dps only bracket would also go a long way. If your queues we’re instant then you would feel a lot less pain when someone left.

I’m not reading all this bickering.

Is this validated at all in this mess or not?

Nothing beyond hearsay

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Did you just assume they/them/their’s gender? Wow, now you’ve inconvenienced my gameplay experience, also reportable per the nonsense rules these people are trying to make up. ENJOY YOUR TEN DAY BAN!

Objection, hairspray.

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where did i ever say that i was the judge? im obviously not, blizzard is. they also have a history of banning people for stuff like this so its really not suprising.

For legal purposes this is a joke.


That last bit is great.

That bottom line that we all hope for I knew was to good to be true so you almost had me lol

“Deez” lmfaooo. Love it

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Quality troll though, def sent me to the blue post trackers I’ve been checking all day. 10/10

There’s currently a bug where leaving a match keeps your MMR where it was before the shuffle. The people who have been purposefully leaving every match that will have a negative impact on their MMR and staying in matches that will have a positive impact have been able to get way higher ratings than people who have not been leaving. This is specific abuse of a game mechanics bug. Getting DC’ed or leaving a couple matches is probably not a bannable offense, but this specific behavior absolutely should be.

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I would definitely settle for the bans if they would do the bottom line also lol.
Oh well, definitely made me smile

Can we all just find common ground for a moment and reflect on the fact that after weeks of silence blizzard has posted about m+, wotlk classic (twice), and a bunch of other nonsense but not a word on pvp except some hot fixes to prot pally bugs (lmao).

Whoever is approving the external updates is probably on vacation still. They know we’re a salty bunch :smiley:

Yea its there but not to be abused to exploit MMR. And keep in mind people are also robbed of their time and rating they earned or didnt in the match as well. Repeat offenders are performing gameplay sabotage and deserve a 20 year ban as a compensation

Deez is a hero

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This is concerning because I watch foxyllama report atleast once every set of solo shuffles for just not being good enough in his perception. Maybe they should put in a punishment for people that false report too.

is this according to your calculations? :nerd_face:

Would be kind of weird how they literally promote a system where it’s BENEFICIAL TO LEAVE A GAME and then punish those who took advantage of their own poorly designed system that they had over 8 months to look into and change and had 1000000000000 feedback comments that they ignored.

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