Banning GDKPs is beyond Stupid

China based bot farm runs 24/7 amassing more and more gold at rates that Jayden living in mom’s basement could never do.

It introduces a lot into the game.

It also denies fatty of hotpockets & tendies - spending money on China gold instead of food.


I hope they change their minds and perma ban you. :wink:

You made a post whining about GDKPs being banned then admitted to buying gold. You can’t make this stuff up.


We’d probably all be banned.

So the bots make the gold, not the GDKPs?

Its Blizzard’s game. Not mine or yours. Spoiler alert, they can do whatever they wish. Double spoiler, it is not going to affect sub numbers which is what they care about. I am not going to entertain you leap of comparing a video game to gay marriage that actually has real world implications.

I made a post about not doing anything in GDKPs and buying gold (and eating a suspension).

Which makes a lot of your heads explode since GDKPs are the sole reason for RMT according to y’all.

and bots still existed back then toooo. interesting.

BOTS are your scapegoat for hating GDKP.
not “im bad at making gold so I can’t join a GDKP”
or “im a bad player so i can’t be a carry for a GDKP”

Most players who dislike GDKP fit one of those 2 descriptions.

When GDKP is gone. and the bots remain? will you correct yourself and say
“oh my bad, i guess nothing changed so GDKPs don’t matter”?

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Nice smoothbrain logic you’ve got there. If you can’t wrap your head around the concept, that’s a you problem. :wink:

You’re just salty your GDKPs are banned. Now you’ve got to pay for gold.

It’s not that. This entire game has been reduced to pay to win. A bunch of underachievers who should be doordashing for me to give them a $5.00 tip are playing WoW instead to make money from fools scamming them into overpaying for trash gear - then they sell their gold back to the chinese goldseller … and fools buy it back.

Think of the whole problem like this.

A dog can be a coprophage, but, it still eats dog food. So, part of its outputs are recycled, while other portions of it is fresh poop made from dog food.

At the end of the day, if the poop isn’t cleaned up out of the yard - how much poop is out there? How much is recycled? How much is first pass? Only the dog knows.

One thing’s for certain - no matter where you step … you step in poop.

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If you can’t understand how GDKPs ruin the economy for normal players then you must be very young with no idea how inter-connected things are in a large economy.

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Again, you didn’t read.

How does banning GKDPs stop my behavior?

Bots will exist as long as there are people for their services. Even when people weren’t buying gold, they were farming the mats you needed for buffs because guess what? Nobody wanted to farm them.

But it is completely insane to deny that RMT has a direct link to GDKP’s.

Bots are 1000000x worse then any RMT.

id love you to give a copy/paste on why they do.

gold buying will remain, bots will remain. banning GDKPs will solve nothing and blizzard will see this.

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Yes, I did read it. I don’t think your comprehension is particularly great if my comment led you to believe that I didn’t.

i didnt deny they dont have a link.

I’m denying anything changing as a result of GDKPs being banned.

So you’re okay with RMT?

Because players without G will not spend time in the game to earn gold, and envy players who can RMT to buy gold.

I don’t know if anything will actually change. But usually if you have two things are related, damaging one usually damages the other.

Wait, what? They banned GDKP? I haven’t seen any since I started but this is good news!


OH I DONT KNOW, maybe you could speedrun, or maybe even help your guildies get their BiS. There’s more to the game than making gold, unless perhaps it’s your job to make gold. Is it your job to make gold? lol

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