I’ve been falsely banned for Unauthorised Cheat Programs, for which I’ve submitted an appeal and have been waiting on a response for 4 days now.
I’m not here to complain about the time it’s taking. The fact it’s taking time means it’s in queue to be reviewed by real people.
But in the time I’ve had to sit and wait I’ve been wracking my brain about what could’ve triggered it. I’ve had my account since OG Vanilla, and the silence from Blizz while I wait makes my imagination run wild with “what if’s”.
I play Cata Classic, and I was farming lovely charms for the Love is in the Air event, since the Swift Lovebird sells for a lot of gold. I farmed for ~8 hours total, with afk breaks, so i dont think it was the length of activity/play time. I was farming the level 1 hyperspawn in the undead starter zone with an enchanted/heirloomed, exp locked lvl 5 druid, so that moonfire was essentially one shotting mobs.
I was courteous to other players. Knowing I was hogging the mobs they needed for the first or second quest, I’d invite any fresh toons I saw to my group to help them get it done. I had conversations with a few of them when they asked me what I was doing.
At the same time as all this I had YouTube/Netflix playing on my second monitor.
During that session, I swapped my moonfire macro keybind from “3”, to “k” (bound to a button on my razor naga), finally to scroll wheel up/down.
Here’s the only thing I can think of that MAY have triggered it, and I don’t know where else to write this that someone even tangentially related to reviewing my ticket might see it.
One thing I’ve noticed about what I believed to be unintuitive UX design from Windows OS (I’m not sure about other operating systems), scroll wheel will interact with unfocused windows, without re-focusing it.
I’m clutching at straws here, but as I was alt tabbing to play the next episode on netflix, or find the next youtube video, I probably cast moonfire while the window was unfocused… and i probably did that a few times over the course of the session. But each time would’ve been 1 or 2 max before I alt tabbed back in. I can see how “applying actions while the window is unfocused” might be on the list of criteria to watch for in anti-cheat software…
I only want to get this out there because the “what if” in my mind right now is, “what if this is an unknown phenomenon, and without that knowledge, the only other explanation is cheating.”
tldr: Just want to get it out there that scroll wheel will interact with an unfocused window without refocusing it, at least on windows.
source: anecdotal evidence having to deal with issues relating to this in my day job