A few days ago, I was banned for no reason. I made a Reddit post on the WoW subreddit that garnered a lot of traction (link to that would go here, but I can’t post a link) and the community has generally expressed that we don’t know why I’ve been banned.
Blizzard responded 36 hours after my ban letting me know that they have reopened my account after a successful appeal. I also made a Reddit post updating the community on Blizzard’s positive CS response (link to that would go here, but I can’t post a link).
In that post, I also provide all the evidence necessary in an Imgur album link (again, can’t provide a link; check the WoW subreddit, all of my posts are there) to demonstrate that I really did nothing wrong and that my (automated) ban was completely unwarranted, and only followed what is probably a burst of people auto-reporting me after seeing my post in the LFG.
Blizzard says I am banned. Then they say they have unbanned me. But I still have not been able to sign in. Three days later (out of a 10 day ban), responses to THREE DIFFERENT SUPPORT TICKETS letting me know that I am unbanned (again, I just posted on Reddit if you want to check that out for the Imgur album), and I am still sitting here suspended from WoW.
At this point, the thought is really crossing my mind that I am being gaslit right now by Blizzard customer service. EVEN IF there is a technical issue with my computer, or some kind of a “cache-clearing” issue, as one of the GMs argued, I have no way of knowing how to solve any of this unless a GM tells me. What is going on ???
Just wait for Orlyia or Vrakthris to start work, they could poke into this for you.
Also, don’t go straight to reddit. Just come to the Customer Support forums next time. People on reddit have a habbit of… pointing mostly in the wrong direction.
People on reddit also lie, very frequently. And there is no “evidence” that can be provided…Blizzard goes by their own logs only.
If you got a reply that your acccount is unbanned but it still seems to be, try logging out of the app and back in, sometimes that will force it to update.
This is my main character. I’ve never selected the posting character before or used this forum before. Had no idea why it defaulted to some level 70 monk I made ages ago LOL
Hi orlyia. Yes, this account that has this character. I’ve deleted the cache, logged out of game and launcher multiple times, restarted my computer. Really everything short of reinstalling the game I guess? Still can’t sign in as of this exact second.
Yes, 1000% this is my only account. I am sitting in the launcher right now. I have WoW1 (EU ), which doesn’t even own TWW; WoW1 (US), which is my account that I play on; and WoW2 (US), which has starter edition only.
A last resort to force flagging on a Battlenet account, and game license to update - is to change the password.
To do that you use the website here following the directions.
MAKE SURE you have access to the bnet email and authenticator/phone texts set up for the account before doing this.
From there, you will need to log out totally from the Launcher, reboot, and log back in with the new password - into the US Region. That should force everything to reset. Then be sure to select the US license from the drop down.
Give me a little time to ask what may be going on here, Aimdemon. You’ve done all the normal troubleshooting steps, I see nothing on our end. Something is obviously up if you are certain you are pointing at the correct license - but I’m not sure what.