Banned for too much honor

Pvp until i hit cap, then its off to slave in maraudon and badlands for them lips and sappers for next week… it’s a viscous cycle

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Were you refusing to stack?

nope i work with everyone on my server, as an admin in the pvp and stacking discord. we got a really fair system and reasonable caps in my opinion

And my post was restored.
Thanks for the false report though.


It wasn’t a false report; your other post was deleted. I’m not going to go back and forth with you and just tell you to act like an adult and wish you a good night.

Says the guy who false flags people :).


TIL. I’m a bot because i always have netflix / amazon / twitch running on a second screen.

Dunno then man, you must’ve ticked multiple someone’s off or there’s something you’re not telling us.

You pool party? I’ve heard of people catching bans for that now.

Either way, if you’re in the clear I’m rooting for ya. It’s gonna be a couple extra weeks regardless though I’m afraid.

Imagine the irony if you were reported by Ret paladins.

Not that I approve of abusing the reporting system. But this is certainly one hell of a way to avoid queueing with us.

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You sure it wasn’t because you go to Deadwind Pass and kill your whole alliance guild for a strong honor lead?

I’m not denying you guys are good players, I’m not denying you can pump honor/hr. I don’t know of anyone on horde side reporting you but I guess it’s possible. Most of us know the system we have here is a house of cards and are not trying to rock the boat.

You said you want to play more and that’s one reason why the caps were raised. I get that you don’t want breakers and respect that, but if you want to ‘play more’, stop killing your own alliance guild. This may or may not be the reason you were suspended, I dont’ know.

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Is this going to hurt your r14 progress or are you so far ahead it won’t matter?

He’ll be fine, caps are being adjusted to what they have already.

I would help manually pool party with some level 1s, and in previous weeks I would be out there defending it from griefers. I’m on a 2% horde server so some times I need to drive away ally.

Also every pvper is involved in it on my server so it would be off for only me to get suspended.

A HWL on mankrik that just finished there grind was banned for 6 months for afking and 3rd party software use and also claims innocence.

Don’t feel sorry for him and don’t feel sorry for you. Obviously u did something u weren’t supposed to do. Honestly they need to patch all the jumps in wsg and make it there is only 2 ways to get the flag into base tunnel or ramp.

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No u don’t have high respect for the game, quite the opposite. You play both sides of the pvp realm and collude cross faction to complete ur goals. 7 days ban is not even close to what you should get.

This is an ignorant comment. You have an opinion and that’s cool. This happened to me yesterday and I know I wasn’t doing anything wrong. This is a system that cheaters are gaming. I will stream everything now and record.

I am going to go as far as create another character and do some recon. Reporting and documenting those botting on my server. All I can think about right now is getting back at whoever/group of people who did this.

Getting up to take a piss is NOT afking (if this is what happened). You grind all day and wait 4 hours for AV it IS possible to get up for a second. I want my logs and whatever video reviewed. I want to get a lawyer right now. I am actually not kidding. I spent so much time. Now for seven days I am falling behind.

Do the work blizzard, find out who is falsely reporting people and BAN them!!

Oh yeah, make this game as boring as retail is

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I received the same 7-day suspension on my horde priest while playing with Iam. We were both in discord playing 10-man premade and got disconnected at the exact same time. I play almost exclusively as a healer in a WSG premade group, so the non-participation reason is clearly untrue. My group also doesn’t exploit the terrain or safespot in WSG because Alliance groups tend to give up after the first mid fight or first flag cap. One thing that’s certain is that I don’t non-participate or exploit in BGs.

At this point I honestly have no idea what could have caused this short, automated suspension. However, when I join the occasional AV I often see players calling for mass reports on others using raid warnings – clearly the mass report culture is well established in WoW Classic. Does it really work? Some video evidence from the early AV days and Scarab Lord grind clearly shows it does, but Blizzard refutes this.

I opened a ticket but I expect an automated response. I’ll try the live chat during the ridiculously short time window where it’s available.

We’ll be back to finish the r14 grind next week. I don’t want this to happen again so it would be nice to know what triggered the suspension.


TIL it’s impossible for healers to AFK.

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Our warriors would be pretty pissed if I AFK’d instead of dispelling them :rofl: