UPDATE: I was unbanned because my suspension was false, I claimed that I was mass reported and it was actually CORRECT. I am now unbanned and got all my rank points and WILL be rank 14 next week.
Cya in warsong this week
I’m a big boy honor farmer on my server, well known pvper on both factions of Heartseeker-US. Today while playing warsong with my team me and my friend were both falsely banned for Pvp nonpartication/exploiting.
I’m rank 13 atm and have huge respect for the game, I don’t afk and I don’t tolerate afkers in my BGs so it honestly seems out of the question for me to get banned for that.
That leaves exploiting, where I only really play warsong, and while me and my team does do a lot of the jumps (GY, tunnel), it doesn’t make sense why the highest ranked players on our premade would get target banned at the exact same time.
People have been upset with our high bracket caps, and at the time of our ban we were standing 1 and 2 like every week, by a considerable margin. I believe we were targeted for mass reports from other pvpers on our server, because it’s only a week ban and we did nothing to warrant it.
Damn that sucks pretty hard. But I’ve heard of people getting banned for those jumps before although I didn’t really believe them. Weren’t they allowed in the wsg tournament?
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Everytime I have seen this ban it was from being pseudo AFK in matches.
The people, themselves, who have gotten it have confirmed that they either had as serious as a full on bot, keyboard macros to automate or have been netflix’ing and bg’ing, aka psuedo AFK.
Play the game and it won’t happen to you.
I can confirm that these guys don’t bot my main is on heartseeker.
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I’m trying to remember who the druid on ally side was that said he got banned for the graveyard jump but Ive played too much wsg apparently. Good luck on the appeal.
You and your boy got mass reported because of this. Try to overturn it, failing that, it’s another week farming.
Unless theres something you’re glossing over…
thanks for the replies everyone, i was able to make this post from my horde but now i’m silenced on the forums too due to my ban. 
I’m the OP and guy who was banned, this ally account is my main and on the same server, I’ve already done the rank grind on this account ( ZERO CHEATING).
I have done the neet grind of staying up 36 hours straight in AV premades, I don’t need to bot or AFK in bgs for big honor. I’m now paranoid i will continue to get mass reported after my unban and not be able to finish my grind.
I feel like i’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, and being left in the dark. fortunately i’m close to my bracket cap before my ban so hopefully my rank doesn’t diminish.
Blizzard: “This is fine.”
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This guy confirmed they dont bot. im sold unban them. LOL get rekt cheater
sounds deserved though if they did report you. no1 likes someone who raises caps for no reason. no 1 is impressed by how much honor u farm. enjoy the ban
no one should get mad about how much they pvp also. but u sure do.
I trust your representation on that as you know him, but afk/nonparticipation bans aren’t automated, so he must have done something that looked very suspicious.
I mean if there’s truly something i did worth punishing then by all means keep the suspension. I will be back and I will be grinding again, but I can tell you people that all I do during the week when i’m not at work is wake up and queue pvp until i’m capped. 1000% tryhard all consumes, I play in my own premade i lead and i play alot of pugs too, optionally, because i love random matchmaking in PVP games. it leads to the most fun games.
just sucks i’m gonna have to queue ally or play league until next friday… gonna be so boring, i been getting attached to my zug during my grind.
What in his post made you think he was trying to impress anyone? He was just stating what happened from his point of view. Salty much?
it’s this kind of saltiness that led to my ban probably. not my fault i’m a gamer
screw this right click report BS, it was easy to overlook it but when it happens to you, you realize how whack the system is.
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Blizzard has said time and time again that right-click reports do not lead to automated suspensions. If you dared to post this thread in the CS forum, claiming your innocence, they may very well have pulled up the exact circumstance which led to a GM investigating and suspending you.
You didn’t though, you posted it here to get sympathy points or something?
They basically retracted that when they said that people mass reporting others that lead to bans will lead to the people mass reporting others being banned themselves. Have you forgotten about that part?
don’t care if innocent or not. want to know why i was banned, seen others post here and get GM replies (calling them out for actually afking).
if this is the case and i’m red handed then good, keep the ban i deserve it.
but ATM i haven’t not participated more than any of the other fury warriors who sit on their mount the entire av. my playstyle is super high APM and i am constantly trying to raid lead with /rw in pvp and win games efficiently. i’m hardly ever idling on my mount, and i’m not sure how i could exploit in warsong.
They said attempting to abuse the system will lead to actions against the abusers. They explicitly said that the suspension you’re referencing was not applied because of the false reports.