Banned for hacking/botting that doesnt even make sense

I got banned for hacking/botting 2days ago and I’m trying to contact customer support but they keep giving me automated messages, I mean how come that my wow2 get banned for hacking/botting while my wow1 is not? I mean i log it both at the same computer which i dont even have any software for any games coz wow is the only thing that i have. I really dont understand how and why i get banned for that

There is no automated messages from Blizzard. Only template responses. I am going to start off with that immediately.

As for your actual ban, account actions are very rarely, if ever for something you were just doing/doing a couple days ago/or even doing a week or month ago. At this point all you can do is keep appealing, and be patient. Do not spam tickets while you still have open ones. If it is, indeed, determined to be a false positive, you will be able to log back on with your ban lifted.


All we can say is appeal until they tell you to stop. Just to ensure you’re putting in an appeal:


yes i will, its just that you know. I have no idea what I did to trigger their banning system. guild’s trying to be server first for mc and i just got banned

It may be a false positive so just be sure to politely submit your appeals until they tell you to stop. One at a time - and maybe space it out. It can take a few days for the Hacks team to sort out if their detection criteria had a flaw, update it, run it again, and reverse the false positives if they happened.

As for what it could be - they won’t tell you what they detected or when. That is info the bot makers and cheat makers would love to have, so they don’t share it with anyone. Here are a few ideas though:

  • ANY automation of the game, including cast sequences, macros outside the game chaining together actions, etc. The only macros you should ever use are the in-game ones you make using Blizzard’s macro maker.
  • Botting of any kind for any reason, including gathering, fishing, crafting, AH, etc.
  • Streamlining or assisting in any form of multiboxing. It is ok to multibox, but you have to do it totally manually. No tricks to make it easier with software, hardware, etc.
  • Exploiting of in-game bugs for gain or advantage

I had never done anything of those you’ve said and even if I did something unknowingly then why my other accounts didnt get banned + its all in the same bnet

Because, unless you did something egregious, they just kill the WoW license, not the entire account.


They could still be on the investigation part of the process and any sanction might not have come about just yet. There have been what seems to be a steady stream of these kinds of sanctions for a good stretch now. It could just be different people assigned to the accounts separately or any number of reasons why one got hit and the other has not to date.


Ihatetrance is correct. Action is taken against the individual license, not the whole Battlenet account. Now, that does not mean the other license is “innocent” it just means it was not flagged during whatever detection sweep they did.

Like we keep saying though, false positives can happen which is what the appeals process is for.


i understand, i just wanted to get my account reviewed about this coz i really have no idea what i did :frowning:

Would it be appropriate and allowed if I copied this post to share in the future with your name added as the author?

Honestly, something along these lines should stickied to this forum because I think it definitely can help people that are just in a panic and gives them something to review on their PC while they wait on an appeal.

Be polite. The first real person you get may not be able to help you but the second person may require some information in an e mail depending on what triggered the ban.
Just be polite, It took me less than a week to appeal a auto ban. I think it was due to how much time Im on. Being in a wheelchair, Im logged in 70 percent of the day and night. I think that is what triggered my ban. But they cant really say because then the bots will know how to avoid that bit of information.

Good luck.


That was done pre-coffee off the top of my head and is just a recap of the rules from the EULA really.

Feel free to link the post, but it might feel weird to have it cited as some sort of ultimate authority. You can copy the post and use the “quote post” feature to copy the whole thing with attribution to your clipboard.


To set expectations in advance: they will never tell you what was detected, as there is nothing the actual botters/cheaters would love more then to know how and when blizzard is detecting them.

You will get 1 of 3 templates: Overturned, Reduced, or Upheld.


So I just have to keep sending them appeals till they say that they will do a further investigation on my account? even if i get upheld?



It’s clear and concise and helpful for those of us that may not be tech savvy.

It seems that some people (that may be innocent or unknowingly ignorant) of what they have done will likely be in a panic and scared and angry. Sometimes they need more than “File an appeal” or “Everyone knows Reddit is unreliable”.

Things like this and the distinction between Bots and Templates,
Reasons why some given reasons are vague,
How it is almost never what you were doin at the time,
How the chat report used to contain snippets and why is doesn’t now,
How the rules haven’t changed since the beginning but reports being easier makes it seem different,
How bot makers use the same name to make you think it’s pointless to report,
How bot makers and gold sellers make a scene on social media to rally people against Blizzard,
And other things I’m forgetting.

I did not know most of these things. I came here a while ago looking for info and started learning a bunch of other things from this site.

I know this is not the place for suggestions, but sometimes I see very concise and helpful posts on these different topics that people need to see.

You guys get dumped on quite a bit for trying to help, but sometimes I see someone getting “Seemingly” exasperated and giving short cold messages because it is the 50th time this week you’ve had to tell someone the same thing…….
Forgetting, it may be that persons first time.

I see how some people get good direction and a little empathy and it helps. I wanted to start saving some of these quotes for future reference.

I wish some of you could have a general appeals stickie with the “best of” explanations and general guidelines. After all this is a player to player help site!


Oh, I see. Your list of things you learned and found really helpful - is really helpful to us here too. I think it reminds folks of the key things that people are looking for.

I DO have some copy paste answers for common questions but they have not been updated in years. I tend to just type it up each time. Yes, that may result in being a bit direct… Maybe my templates could use updating and I could go back to using some of them a bit more often, esp for those topics you highlighted.


And I’m not referencing you directly, but I think each and every person that has questions deserves those detailed answers.

I know many people come here with an attitude and some get busted openly (which I admit is a guilty pleasure when they have been especially rude) but some people are just upset and confused and looking for help. I guess it’s easy to deal with so many angry and rude people that it’s hard to give some people the benefit of the doubt.

Having some of yours and other’s helpful posts makes it easier for people like me to help. I’m not here all the time, so maybe I see things a little differently and I certainly don’t get beat up and abused like some of you do.

Anyway, thanks for answer I was looking for. :grin:


exactly how I felt year ago. Fortunately I met a s/wow member who guided me through it. I most likely would have sent the first ticket with some choice words, so glad I did not do that. Ofcourse everyone else called me liar
and some other things. I was very grateful for that one persons help for sure.