To be clear, they will send it up for further review…IF they feel a need for it. There is no magic number of appeals that will automatically trigger something like that, and there’s no requesting/demanding it.
You are free to appeal until they tell you the matter is closed and further communication about the issue will be ignored. That’s the end of the line* for appealing.
*-Even after this, if they find that the data was misnterpreted or judged too harshly, they can still overturn it. It has only happened once to my recollection, but it’s always a possibility.
Yes, this is always a bit of a struggle for all of the regulars, and something we all strive to be better at. Generally speaking, a poster’s initial energy will be matched by the responses. Not saying that’s the best idea, but it’s human nature.
I have to remind myself pretty often to not get aggravated with dealing with the same silly mistakes on a regular basis especially when trying to help someone that is fighting you tooth and nail.
I notice when I do it and I notice when others do it to!
I have a guildie that got caught up and banned yesterday using a popular fishing bot. At least he had the sense to not use his main account. He used “throw away” account on a different Bnet. The officers are currently discussing whether we give him a guild warning or just boot him from the guild. Our guild reputation means a lot to us.
I don’t know for SURE that is what she meant, but it is a good guess. Fishing bots, gather bots have been used for a long time and banned for a long time. Then they make a new one and it starts all over.
Most any kind of bot they will see it and get anyone banned. At least bliz will find the bots signature and find all the accounts using the bot and ban them.
I had half a mind to post a Law and Order DUN DUN gif with the whole theme soundbite and all (you’re all welcome!), but wanted to see if they’d say something first.
With Orlyia question I think they know they got busted and for exactly what for but of course I could be wrong and they could have never done anything wrong.
And I imagine the hacks team can track what character received (or even purchased) the illegally poached fish. As I understand it, buying ill-gotten materials is also grounds for suspension, even if you didn’t know it was ill-gotten, so be careful out there.
I was never a big fan of fishing, but obviously never considered using a cheat to automate it. I was into it for 3 things back in the Wrath era. First to get the Salty title (won it on my first try). Second to get the Dark Herrings (do they allow transmog for that yet? originally it was tmog restricted). And third, fishing for the fish feast mats in lake in Wintergrasp, since you could get all three of the mats from the same location; it was a little risky, because even on a PvE server, Wintergrasp was still a PvP zone, but Shu’halo was a pretty low pop server, so ganking was pretty rare.
I doubt they will go that far, if the fish are still on the account that got them I am sure they will be removed. But if you purchased them from the offender I doubt they will do anything to you.
Probably, but if botters managed to get a lot of the AH market, any innocent shoppers may innocently buy illicit fish (for this example). Since you don’t really choose who you’re buying from in the AH, there’s literally no defense other than “never buy fish” (or ore, or herbs, or cloth, etc.).