Banned for botting/hacks

So one of my alt accounts was banned for botting when just that same day about 40 minutes before the ban happened i was doing gnomer, stv event, dueling outside IF and starting the epic recipe questline. i went afk got disconnected and came back the next morning to my account permabanned. i have filed 2 appeals with nothing looked at in 4 days. I attached all my accounts opened at 1 time and background processes. Im almost positive i was spam reported for botting from a toxic pug i was in but not 100% sure. What i dont get is if 1 account was banned why wasnt ALL of my other accounts banned? If a CS rep reads this PLEASE look into ticket US98006178.

You will have to wait on your appeal! Nothing else can be done to help or speed things up


What you were doing at that moment is rarely related to the suspension/ban. Especially for botting/hacking, investigations take much more time.

Are they still waiting in queue, or have they responded that the ban is being upheld? If they are still waiting, then you just need to be patient until they get to your ticket.

If it’s been upheld, you can continue to appeal until they tell you the decision is final. Each time you appeal, a different person looks over the logs to see if a mistake was made.

So, you were multiboxing? While multiboxing is allowed, there can be no enhancements to make life easier. Even performing actions in a window while it’s not active can be actioned. One thing we’ve seen a decent amount of threads on, is hovering the mouse on the second window and using the scroll wheel to activate a keybind. If you are not clicking in the window to activate it, that is automating in Blizzard’s opinion.

Just some food for thought.

It doesn’t matter who reported you, how many reported you, or why they reported you. If Blizzard investigates and sees nothing wrong, you would never know. Something they found while investigating is what caused this.

It’s possible a Blue poster can look and give you advice, but in the end, you will have to wait on the ticket to be answered.


it can be brought up to the attention of the CS reps which is what i am doing. Makes no sense how i have 4 accounts with only 1 being banned for botting or cheating when theyre all always open at the same time

The forum support agents can not help you with your appeal or do anything to assist you. Sorry you will have to wait on your appeal


i have tried multiboxing in the fact of me putting a toon on follow and just killing stuff for another thats about it. Otherwise no i just have them open so i can either sell profession stuff on other toons, optimize my downtime by finding groups for stuff on different roles or classes at a time, i play 2 factions in SoD on the same server as well. But i do not multibox in the traditional sense.

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You don’t need to explain in here. I was simply giving an example we see. But I would recommend, if you need to look for reasons why this happened, multiboxing would be the first suspicion. In the past couple years, the rules surrounding multiboxing have changed considerably, and doing the same things that have been done before can lead to suspensions/bans now.

In fact, there are a lot of places out there on the internet who purport that certain things are just fine, when they are really not (example is the hover/scroll technique I described poorly above). It’s just very tough to stay within the rules with multiboxing/multiple accounts these days.


but dont you think if an alt account was banned all of my others wouldve been too? it doesnt make sense

I can tell you, you currently have two appeal tickets open.

Beyond that - this will have to be reviewed when those come up in queue.

Posting here really doesn’t help an appeal. We can sometimes shed a bit of light, but we don’t have authority over the processes that apply sanctions - nor over appeals.


is there any light you can shed?

I don’t know what goes into Blizzard’s investigations and decisions, and they keep it that way on purpose. But I can say that from what I’ve seen from similar threads in this forum, this is quite common.

In my opinion, it points to the problem not being with unauthorized software on your system, but how you are interacting with each individual account. It can also be a false positive, which is why there is an appeals process.


But if there was bad software on my PC then all of my accounts should be banned at this point lol… most of them are open all together at the same time even game windows is my point.

Yes, that’s why I would think it’s not the problem.

well when the email reads Cheats hacks or bots then idk what theyre trying to say lol

That I already have.

The only other thing I could share is my opinion, and that is nothing more than that - my opinion based on account history and my experience. Doesn’t hold any weight one way or the other on how your appeal will go.

In my OPINION, I wouldn’t count on getting this one back.


So i should just accept putting hundreds of hours into something and losing it based on being falsely banned? yeah that seems fair

You might not have a choice! Possibly you used some program or did something to streamline multiboxing when you tried to multibox and that could be what happened. But who knows why.

yeah it just seems stupid because it doesnt make sense. i “multiboxed” well over 3 months ago lol and only 1 account that is my ALT ACCOUNT gets banned?

The alt account that was established and played on 1/4 - but doesn’t seem to have been accessed by YOU until 2/4?

The one that has a name on it that doesn’t match your REAL account with a history going back to 2006?

That account?

Like I said - in my opinion, I wouldn’t count on getting this one back.


GMs have a lot of insight into logs and account records that users will never even be aware of. It may not make sense to you and it may even be wrong on GMs part since they do make mistakes at time, but that is why the appeals process exists. I have no idea what happened in your situation but the appeals will prompt different people to look at your case and investigate it again.

Moderators also have access to more information than you will ever know. Trust me on that one.