Banned for botting/hacks

I’m thinking it’s not related to multiboxing as it’s just one account. Again, you are gonna have to wait for your appeal.

its a trash alt account for SoD lol why would i take care and time to make it correctly? it makes no sense that something would get banned for no reason and all of my other accounts wouldnt

Thread is likely going to be locked due to the back and forth but you do realize that inconsistent account and user information is a huge red flag pertaining to potential hacking or bot accounts, right?


I mean…they’re doing you a courtesy by not closing all of the accounts on your license. Just by the sound of it–

…oof. Okay, yeah.


You not only established the account under a different name, you also played it in a different location than the others for a month, somehow?


if that was the case then all my alt accounts would be banned already so not even going to dive into that because thats not true

We’re requried to place our real names onto said account. If not, unless it’s blindly clear it’s a fake name, like Micky Mouse, then it’d be hard to prove ownership for down the line.


i tried to change all my alt account names and blizzard wouldnt change them to what i wanted so thats somehow my fault?

Let it go and wait for your appeal. If it was a “trash” account why are you kvetching hard about it?


Because if you want to keep an account, you make it in accordance with the rules. They can see all the logins, IPs, hardware info, etc.

It seems this is not really something you care about despite:

Sounds like your “trash” account is likely to be kept banned. Only the actual folks investigating can be sure, as they can see even more than Orlyia I think.

The rules require we make our accounts in our real and legal names to start with. Yes, that is your responsibility. Failure to do that, has consequences. Blizzard does not allow the sale, gifting, or transfer of accounts in any way. Name changes can only be done with legal documents.


its hundreds of hours wasted farming gear and stuff for p3 in sod thats why

That seems to be the key part. The part that looks very much like account ownership transfer not only due to the “fake” name, but the way that it was played in a different location than the one your other accounts were for the first month it existed, somehow.


like i said if 1 account was banned for “cheating” then they shouldve all been banned thats my point. the accounts are all mine and the fact that ive tried to change names to be in accordance with the rules and blizzard wouldnt that is not my fault.

It is 100% your fault if you don’t make the account correctly in your name to begin with.


im not saying i want my accounts banned because i dont i just believe it was falsely banned in my opinion and there is no evidence to support the fact i was banned for cheating.

Playing an account that is not in your name, an account established elsewhere, looks a lot like account sales/trading. That is against the Blizzard EULA and is considered cheating. They don’t allow account sharing or transfers.

You will have to wait on your appeal for any final decision. People are just trying to help you understand this from the policy perspective.


Not necessarily. Penalties aren’t applied immediately and can take long periods of time to apply due to investigations and the gathering of information.

Your account info and situation are none of my business and I don’t have access to them. However, the staff do, and if there are any inconsistencies regarding login locations, user information, payment methods, anything that presents a likelihood of an account being compromised or used in prohibited ways, the account owner is going to get in trouble.


im not stupid i know the rules but the email clearly states the use of software botting or cheating which there is no evidence of

Do you want them to ban your other accounts? It sounds to me like they did you a favor by only banning the “bad” account that was maybe, possibly, bought from somewhere.

They don’t have evidence that there was a transaction, only that the name and the IP address used to access the account for the first month it existed don’t match yours, so they appear to be giving you the benefit of the doubt and not actioning your other accounts as a courtesy.

I don’t know if I’d protest that too much.


I think it’s time to lock this one up. The back and forth has gone on long enough and there is nothing more we can do. You have to wait on your appeal and can keep submitting them until you’re told not to do so anymore. That’s just the end of it really.


Sounds like you are rule lawyering, not gonna fly here. WAIT for your appeal.