Banned extra features so far

is twinking something to do with craigslist personals?

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we will see soon

Anything that changes the look of models/gear is a nono

It’s so that parents still let their kids play.

that makes 0 sense, theres parental modes n such by that logic those kids can google adult content on their parents device if they are a type of parent to leave that kinda content enabled on their computer as they let their kid play on it

I’m so confused, no one else can see it?

Parents wouldn’t want their own kids being able to enable nude mode for their own eyes. I am sure it has mostly something to do with that kind of issue.

Because people were making others characters completely nude without them knowing and taking inappropriate screenshots. Is it really that hard to figure out why this was banned?

FFXIV is facing a similar issue and takes the same kind of action.


lol cope.

It was banned because they did a way better job of figure modeling than the old, highly unnatural forms we are using, which could have been updated but never were.

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Um no, I’m pretty sure people were uncomfortable with others increasing their breast size to ungodly rates, stripping them of their clothes and taking screenshots of their beloved characters.

this is your hill?

and it wasn’t a mod, it was a hack, as it modified blizzard models and textures. addons don’t modify the base game’s models and textures, and are not allowed to. it wasn’t banned a year ago, it was ALWAYS bannable.

Multibotting should be banned, and should have been banned 16 years ago.

Addons wont be banned ever. blizzard HAS broken specific addons in the past (anyone remember ICC and the AVR-E raiding addon that painted on the worldspace? or Hellfire Citadel and the addon that did basically the same thing?) but they generally limit addon breaking to cases where everyone must run it or they are at a disadvantage.

are you going to try to claim next that blizzard should ban 4k and ultrawide screen resolutions?


Did you just challenge blizzard?

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pls no :’( i like my ultrawide :’(

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I saw lots of pictures. None I saw were inappropriate in any way, they just showed how bad the upper torso on female figures was.

Screenshots showed players wearing armor that fit them like such pieces of clothing fits actual people.

Maybe Blizzard should try to shut down the internet because one person (you) is concerned that there might be a parent out there who is afraid that some day their 12 year old will find out that people are naked under their clothes.


youd need 18+ verification as most adults mmos req

true they got jealous

Modding the files for models is against the tos. If someone is doing a better job then they need to send their portfolio to Blizzard

Rated T for teen.

Ironically, the manipulation of blizzard files in the case if the nude mod? was it a nude mod? nude mod was less harmful than getting 20 zinithid where a single account may only get 1 or 2.

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Asmongold does not agree he was outraged when the new customization features did not incldue this