Banned extra features so far

a year or so ago they banned the clothing optional mods (which literally had no effect on anyone else other than the player with the visual addons

now they ban multiboxing ( this one is actually a plus because now anyone has a chance to make gold because everything won’t be as flooded)

other feature that might be next?

addons (especially since twitch is losing access to addons and the controversy of the new addons rights belonging to a company that steals info oggrewolf or somethin)

TSM <- LITERALLY A BOT (no mousewheel doesn’t make it not a bot)
raider .io
half the macros in the game
spy/pvp scan
healers must die
99% of pvp/bg addons


Add-ons are super simple to install… the change in twitch services has nothing to do with blizzard, not a ban, fake news.


That really the thing you wanna act surprised about being banned

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To keep it honest… anyone had the same chance to make gold this expansion as well. Let’s not pretend MBing made it impossible.

What does Twitch have to do with Blizzard deciding something like that?

Low effort thread.


TSm is a banable thing? wowhead constantly advertises palyers to use it

No, it isn’t.
That person is just claiming it’s equal to botting. Which it isn’t either.


whats it to you in all those players wanted a x rated wow view that only they saw on their monitor and not everyone else?

Multiboxing is still a feature and hasn’t been banned though.


lol to have needed $1500/month worth of gold to support as many as the biggest multiboxers needed, 1 huge 100 or more multiboxer per realm is enough to break the realms economy and this realm had several of them. so no not everyone has that chance unless they want hundreds of accounts and having to pay for them at the start

Terms of Service bro

Plus not something blizzard would want in their game

People do what they want, I also personally don’t care

If it’s something they can only see so be it, none of my business nor is it affecting me in any way

People would have a lot less stress in their life if they kept their nose out of other peoples business

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i dont see it

anyhows at least they got rid of a real threat like multiboxing which actually effects others

stuff like that has always been a no-no.

I have no idea where you came up with those numbers.

My horde server has MANY Multiboxers, and MANY goblins that move the economy, and I was still able to play the AH with my single account and make the 5 million for the Bruto.

Don’t know what to tell ya…

always been a yes yes in literally every game skyrim, gta5, every game since the actual companies are too afriad to raise the ratings or have an optional higher rating for payers 18+.

Those actually could be abused to do things like make mining nodes and battleground flags the size of mountains so that they could be very quickly located.

Which involved modifying, not overriding, game files, which is explicitly against the rules no matter what you’re tweaking.

Multiboxing is still allowed, the rules have been updated to ban the use of certain programs that some multiboxers used.

Since addons at most override Blizzard functions using a system Blizzard implemented specifically so people could override them, I fail to see why they would get banned. Historically speaking, Blizz will tweak the API to disallow certain functions if they’re too powerful (such as projecting textures on the game world), but that’s as far as it goes.

100 accs = $1500/month and if u aint paying the cash ur making that much gold worth per month using those toons multibox farming which means r.i.p. any other players trying to make gold from farming mats

let’s not pretend that the only thing being altered was clothing.

(i see others have explained the real issues with this, so i’ll just move along)