Banned extra features so far

You didn’t search enough for what people were doing with these mods/hacks then. I saw images of people doing this on moon guard in Goldshire.

Give people a way to make something completely nude in a game and you bet someone (or in this case too many people for blizz not to notice) gross enough is going to utilize it.

rating are different worldwide, quite alot of EU stuff has family friendly things show it all so wouldn’t it ONLY be banned in usa?

What happens in moonguard stays in moongaurd

Even people who never played wow knows what moongaurd is


Yet there’s a right way to do it and then there’s a way that seems extremely unhealthy. The latter was in place. People had moded female chests to be hugely levels of large that you’d see in adult films or anime.

u gonna delete rader io hahahaha hahahaha them just armors u , inspec , u do only frends

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Ah. I see, you have never viewed the images in question and made up your previous claims entirely.

That would be AWESOME, Do it blizz, Do it !!

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Is modding files against the TOS yes or no?

If that’s banned, good luck ever killing a healer in a 40v40 battleground ever again.

as others have told you, it isn’t just about clothing.

those mods are capable of doing more than editing clothes… why are you choosing to ignore this even after people have explained it?

…and while blizzard can verify the age of the account holder, they have no way of knowing when that person has a minor child sitting at the keyboard.


any so? the right way is whatever each player wants their own toon to be

thats why the parents can turn off that option in the settings and password protect it, if the parent fails they probably fail to password protect the internet and phones and their device in general, thats on parent

whats stopping the parent from letting the kid see diablo 2 and all its brutal M+ rated nudity and gore ect? or from playing cyberpunk and its custimizable 18+ content?

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again, you’re missing the point.

aside from the fact that the game is rated “T”, editing files in this manner has never been permitted.

stop pretending it’s just about clothes, when the same type of editing is used for in-game advantages.

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Having an option to turn on and off a parental setting or feature won’t work because it’s the actual game files that are edited/modded/hacked. It’s a player side thing and not a blizzard side thing.

I think the problem with that sort of program was it could be used on game/world assets.

I didn’t effect anything outside the client side, but you could make the WSG flag 50 times bigger so you could see it anywhere on the map, or make ore veins big enough to see in the distance.

Those sort of things are why client side asset add-ons were made bannable

It’s effectively been banned. The average player does not have the tools or knowledge needed to multibox effectively without the 3rd party software that has now been made a bannable offense.

Hell, the average multiboxer doesn’t, not just player.

Those programs ARE multiboxing for all intents and purposes.

There will be maybe a dozen Multiboxers after this.

Until those 12 find a way to adapt and make a new route efficient enough for the masses to take from and the cycle continues

Multiboxing isn’t banned

I always say I’ll always play wow till the day I die and nothing Blizz could do would make me quit but I guess you’ve discovered one thing they could do that I would quit over :rofl: Banning individual addons wouldn’t be too much of a problem but 100% of addons? :v:


I’ll be signing autographs at Org front gate