Trash talk no! Stop doing it! Be nice or stop messaging.
Grow up become a man and decent person. Real men and women do not need to trash talk
There is no reason to trash talk at all, ever. And definitely not to the extent of getting bans/silences/suspensions. If you so choose to leave the game because Blizz doesn’t let you be as toxic as you want, maybe look into LoL
More so it is directed at his own team. If you do not like what they are doing or not doing. Keep your fingers to yourself.
Make your own premade with people who will take direction and listen.
Yeahh…directing toxicity at one’s team has never made any sense to me.
as someone that just got permaban on a 10+ years account due to abusive language… just don’t type in chat mate. I also opened a topic here on the foruns, and I am devastated… I am hoping someday I am able to restore it, but the chances are slim to none from what I understand…someone already said this but, just scream at your monitor… don’t ever type in chat in game. People these days are way better at pressing the report button, rather than playing the game. And even if you politely call them out, they still report you.
Good advise find another way to vent. Good thing is your pets, mounts and transmog are still there for you to use. But yes from a new license
There is never any instance of being politely “called out”. I am glad that Blizzard is stepping up to cull the bad behavior in game.
Toxic is toxic just because u dont think its toxic doesnt mean other people dont like the chat and want to see it it cleaner. When u signed up u agreed to play nicely not shooting off ur mouth every other chance.
There is not really a good way to be polite while “calling someone out”. It tends to be confrontational and often really insulting and rude to people. Rarely do people offer friendly advice in a constructive way which is fine. They instead call people names or insults.
We don’t have a “right” to do that to others. If you did that at work I assume you would be disciplined or fired right? You can offer to help someone improve, but you can’t go around calling them disparaging things.
General chat, trade, and group finder are all strangers. Not friends who know you and take it as friendly banter. Treat them as you would any group of strangers that covers all age ranges and backgrounds.
You are free to be more colorful, but it needs to be in private.
If you do decide to play another EU license, just keep that in mind. Put people on Ignore so you won’t have to grouped with them again. Best way to handle people you think have no skill and frustrate you!
NEVER let people troll or bait you into saying things that get you in trouble. You can win that battle with yourself
I get the message Mirasol, although I am still not sure if i’ll ever play again…I don’t want to go off-topic here, but since someone here already said “i am glad that blizzard is steeping up to cull the bad behavior”, and that you just mentioned general/trade chat, I do think it is relevant to talk about this…when you press the report button, there are the “spam, advertizing, boosting/deranking” options for you to press. While I understand that world first guilds (and many others that raid mythic) sell boosts, do you guys share my opinion that all the spammers in trade/general chat should get permabanned as I was ? because this is genuinely making the game worse in my opinion… pugs have been getting worse with each expac because of this, there is no longer “good” players in pugs, unless they don’t have any other options/online friends to play with. I think it is worth talking about this, because the amount of people spamming boosting services in those channels, only seems to increase each day
Non premade groups never go so well. Everyone has there own thing they want to do. No matter what you wont get them working together right.
You will get some wins! Take what you can get. Try to find premades
YES! Spamming Trade or General with advertisements is against the rules and does result in a chat/social violation. It is the same penalty volcano that applies to all chat/social infractions.
Blizzard has a policy on the advertising of boots/carries for gold, which are allowed (within limits). They have to advertise in the Trade Services channel only though.
You can read the policy here. Any use of other channels should be reported.
Blizzard does close licenses for spamming and advertising. We get threads here about that too.
good to know. I guess people for the most part don’t even report it anymore though… but I can guarantee you, that there are a lot of people advertizing outside of that channel, with zero punish inflicted whatsoever.
When they’re in your shoes and fail to change their behavior despite being given several opportunities to do so?
Good news for you, though! That already happens, too.
You don’t know that. Generally, if people get punished they make another toon and continue on that one.
If it’s a goldseller, they can more or less keep doing this through the same method since it’s only used as an advert-bot - this way I’ve reported the same RMT multi-game currency exchanger atleast 28 times when Classic Era was released each with a slight variation to its name in my ignore list to keep track of it.
A lot of them i bet you are gold sellers who have a lot of stolen accounts to use for that. They also tend to reuse names of similar names to make you think nothing happens to them.
You absolutely can’t.
They absolutely do get punished. You see people in here all the time pleading their case that they did nothing wrong.
The bot makers just don’t care and spin up another stolen account with a similar name to make it seem like nothing happens to discourage people from reporting them.
Also, none of this is relevant to what happened to you. You broke the rules, repeatedly and got banned for it. What other people do in their accounts doesn’t matter.
That doesn’t apply to group PvP. It only applies to dungeons and raids.
How about say something like “hey guys we gonna loose if we don’t pull our socks up and get into this”