Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

No one is going to be in their crappy boost gear at lvl 70.


btw I hate undead

/spit again


Screw them. I’ll continue to ride around on my boosted deluxe edition mount and spam my dark portal hearthstone in their face over and over.


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This is definitely being offended and triggered :rofl:

This is much MUCH more of a problem than anything else and people wanting to ban others and actually getting their way sometimes…offends and triggers me :rofl:


My advise is grow up… Or just stop riding your stupid store mount and people will stop /spitting


I apologize if I’ve ever /spit on you in AV I personally find it hilarious because people get so mad. If you were offended, I truely am sorry and be assured I dont spit on people irl, if fact I’m not even a male dwarf!


I like Edgy’s solution. /fart, lol. I assume making your own with /emote doesn’t carry over to the other faction. Otherwise people could just communicate directly through that. klowdy locks eyes while aggressively eating an apple would be my goto.

Imagine caring this much about how people spend their time or money on a 15 year old expansion.

Now imagine many of these OG vanilla and TBC players are in their 30s and maybe even 40s, and it gives you an even bigger sense of how pathetic this kind of behavior is.


Cry about it

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based and salivapilled


After the obnoxious and brazenly hostile way that pro-boosters argued with and taunted anti-boosters on the forums and any social media site where the debate was happening, I’m amazed that anyone is surprised with the outcome of this. People hate boosts, and they’ve come to hate the people who fought for them.

This is the cost of all that toxicity. You can thank Blizzard for implementing something that was so controversial and pulling a perfect 180 on their stance of adding things to the game. You can thank the people who openly taunted anti-boosters for months while the argument was happening. You can thank the people who said they’d quit over this, but (of course) still subscribe. This community is awful. It’s not the one we need, but definitely the one we deserve.


Oh come on. Next you’re gonna tell me your name isn’t even sneed. Can you imagine?

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Sooo you just admitted that you’re offended and triggered by the actions of the very person that you are defending…kekw gg

However it isn’t harassment. This first and foremost is a Role Playing Game. And as such the emote is one the developers themselves created so your character has he ability to emote their disgust. If people are disgusted with you boosting a character, and using an emote for their character to show that disgust, then it is working as intended. Just ignore it and move on.

I have a great idea. Make a WeakAura of your own that does the /rude or a /fart emote to anyone that sends you a /spit emote.

Fight fire with fire.

Good thing.

That does not end well.


After reading this and other snowflake’s posts, I am honestly in shock that there are actually real people out there so sensitive and so fragile that they consider a freaking /spit emote in a 15 year old game to be offensive and “harassment”. Absolutely pitiful… people like this don’t deserve or belong in an mmorpg, let alone real life society. They need to stick to hiding in their little dark cave like Smeagol’s.

/spit on someone riding the mount/boosting - This is ok I could care less.
People being triggered/offended because people are riding the mount/boosting - This is ok I could care less.

People calling for bans due to subjective feelings → This is not ok.

I’m not supporting or defending the feelings of either side when it comes to calling for bans or for cancelling people. That’s just cancer.


What you are ignoring is that you/they deliberately bothered other players by buying boosts and a mount.

You did something without caring that it bothered other people, trivialized their effort, etc. and are mad that they are returning the favor.

Both the boost and the emote are in the game.

The /spit emote in this context is rather similar to the mount. Both add things on screen that the opposing party doesn’t want to see.

Those other players enjoy spitting on you. Who are you to tell them how to play the game?

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I agree in some respects, but we also have to be aware that there are real people on the other end of that character and if our actions are making someone else feel uncomfortable or bullied, that is an important thing to factor in. By the number of threads and responses, this is not an isolated or small issue. A percentage of the player base is starting to feel impacted by this issue and it has to be taken seriously. I would like to hope that we, as a community, could nip this in the bud, but based on the responses so far, I see more people defending this behavior, when we should be acting against it.

Should people be banned, probably not, the easier solution is to just get rid of the emote(s), stop the behavior by removing the option to do so.

At the end of the day, it should not matter what it is, whispers, emotes, etc. Is this really behavior you want to brag about or have new players see when they login? What if TBCC was being reviewed by a news team, would you want others to see players /spitting on each other?

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