Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

This is some medium bait.
It’s not rare and it certainly isn’t well-done.


I say ban the /hug and /kiss emote as well. They are violating my wuflu boundaries.

But seriously, how the hell you leave your mom’s basement IRL if you cant handle a fkn emote in an online game?


This is why you don’t give kids trophies for last place their entire life.

It’s also probably good you don’t let them have mobile phones and social media until they are mature enough.


The mage I boosted uses the spit as moisturizer so I’m ok with it. Just wait until they see what I put in their conjured water.


Thats because you’re a gnome


Dude, I don’t know what to tell you on this one. Honestly, it won’t change… but just enjoy how pathetic those people are, continue to enjoy the game.

Bruh. The dungeon boosters seemed to be the most pressed about boosted mages taking their jobs


Oh! The Poors…you’re talking about The Poors. Well, what can you do? Sensible Chuckle

I’m not against you on this and tend to agree… but you are kinda proving his point. Some people are sensitive and these issues ruin it for them.

It’s true.

Still, I appreciate the work he’s putting in to keep us entertained on patch day

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someone make a counter weakaura that /kisses anyone that /spits on you

I kinda look at them for a second, look at them as a childish person and take comfort in the fact that I’m not - then ignore it. Who cares?

I have an ‘auto mental ignore’ add-on. It works well and doesn’t need updated :slight_smile:

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just ignore it or talk smack back. Not hard. stop being a karen OP


if your ignore is maxxed out, u might be the problem. then again im not easily offended


The remote has existed in it’s current toxic form since 1.0 (probably earlier, but I wasn’t in the beta). It has always been used as a form of disrespect. The devs put it in the game. They have seen how it is used. They have not removed it. Don’t hold your breath for something to change now. It might not be friendly, but it is used for exactly what anyone with the authority to do something about it would imagine it being used.

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Unless the player is targeting you and following you around /spitting on you over and over for hours, its not harassment .

As a PvP player, getting /spit on means I did something right.


Maybe make a weakaura that replies to them

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They need to realize it isn’t the responsibility of others to cater to this.
Not everytime you have a bad emotional response to something is someone suppose to come in and lift your spirits or make it where that cant happen. Its up to you to handle your own response. Not ask a bodiless corporation to punish others based on your personal feelings.