Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

Like I said it’s childish, but it is kind of funny that some people got so bent out of shape about the boost that they had to make an addon to spit on people for them.

I hate the /spit emote but, no.

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It’s funny lol


If you spend enough time interacting with or observing other humans either online or in person you’ll find that the vast majority of us are complete trash.

This is not something Blizzard or any other company can fix. So I’d recommend trying not to focus on it.


I’m not an expert but wouldn’t it be a good idea to at least get some blue gear before you go in a raid? I realize people are better this time around, but I was under the impression that you don’t start raiding in questing greens?


I agree with you that the mod is despicable but once you drop all the gear the mod will be worthless. It’s a temporary hassle which I doubt Blizzard is going to do anything about.

Lol just smile it means your making a sweaty upset. If anything just say have a nice day and move on with your andy chad frank Timmy life.

does anyone know where I might find this particular addon? for research and reverse engineering purposes obviously


Go back to retail

Classic is for people that actually play the game, instead of swiping their credit card for an instantly leveled up character and gaudy mount + hearthstone

Blizzard should know better than to put this GARBAGE into classic, and you should have known better than to buy it


Global ignore list is your friend.

I bought the deluxe edition just to piss people off. These sweaty nerds download an addon just to spit on people lmao. Just call them poor losers and move on.


No idea where the link is but its’ WeakAura and no Blizzard would not ban the addon.

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Grind pvp gear and don’t use the new mount, it looks dumb anyway


meh. Laugh it off. Knowing you live in their head. Rent free. You’re all they can think of. Day and night.


Agreed. it wouldn’t do anything. They should ban the player. Problem solved.

“It’s harassment” - Alot of people dont support boosting. It’s a cash grab. Deal with it.
“Toxic community” - If your gear is boosted garbage, and people don’t want you in their raid group, go get better gear.

Simple stuff.


I mean i guess so, but why not just remove the emote? I dont think you can report people for harassment for using an emote that Blizzard themselves put in the game for players to use.

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Ban weakauras because you can’t handle an emote?


Talk about being overly sensitive, holy heck.


Well, you do love gearscore after all