Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

Can’t believe blizzard listened to this person. Someone with an entire ignore list filled up. Soft much?


Did you seriously buy a store mount? Way to sell yourself out

Imagine ppl not inviting you to raid pre patch cause youre a fresh boostie stacked with communal gear? I dont think anyone blames them. Also if youre upset that other peoples world of warcraft characters /spit on your world of warcraft character, then YOU and ppl like you are the real problem


I can guarantee you they removed it because they did not want it to potentially scare away future customers.

That and I would not be surprised it was a safespace move.

The main dev doesn’t PvP and she definitely does not care about PvP with how horrid she allowed PvP servers to become imbalanced and now removal of /spit?


Yes, cater to the new player who won’t even stay online more than a week at most and drive away the player base that actually pays.

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So sad lmao. This goes hand in hand with all the other “softie” issues being that is 2021. I miss the 90’s when there wasn’t a bunch of wussies everywhere. You are definitely part of the problem. Get over yourself, not everything is personal. Ruining a nostalgic/timeless part of this game because your feelings got hurt over an emote? Omega lul.


I wouldn’t want to group with you either. You appear to be easily triggered. I don’t need to stress about some stupid little interaction that you take offense to and get set off.

Nope. Don’t need that hassle.

So I didn’t participate in the first weak aura because I honestly didn’t care enough but now I’m fully ready to embrace it.

What’s the new emote we are getting banned?


90s had plenty of this. It was just called a different name, and you were younger.

I think you having all your alts maxed out on ignore says more about you than this game.
I think you need to play solitaire or something similar on your computer. I mean wow, how do you make it through life with such thin skin?


You do realize the communal gear isn’t good enough to raid? There’s level 50 greens on the auction house that are better than that…

How so?

Better remove sitting from the game too!

Now I’ll just have to /point at your dead body and THEN /spit.
You tried.


This seems the best workaround proposal I’ve seen so far…except it doesn’t hit blizzard where they’re really concerned…the people running around on the warp-stalker mounts.

They’re cutting this from classic because it really was bothering people that purchased the mount getting mass-spit on by the community.

They’re trying to shield their whales, and doing so because the /spit campaign actually concerned them.

I suppose any emote, if taken up by enough people and used persistently, can be made to single out and ostracize people running around on the store mounts…a sort of public shaming.

This is coming from Asmongold’s reaction to the /spit thing, but it seems like the most plausible explanation I’ve heard yet.


Don’t ride your immersion breaking mount around in public and it wont happen… simple…

The classic community doesnt want that store crap in classic, and to ride around on it is spitting in the face of everyone who wants classic to remain classic… get the message.


Who decides what’s “immersion breaking” mount? Was the paid$ TCG (loot box) mount in original TBC spat on too?

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it sounds like your dad should have kicked your a$$ another time or two.

Crazy how people get their fee fees hurt from seeing text on a screen. OP said all his characters’ ignore lists were full. Imagine having that many negative interactions and never once thinking, “Wait, am I the problem here?”


I was taught a long time ago: If everywhere you go you have a problem you might be the problem.