Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

I’ve played since '04 and have ignored a total of 5 people in that time.
How miserable of a person do you have to be to max out an ignore list on not just one but multiple characters?


It’s pathetic lol, adults crying over the removal of /spit in a video game…

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It’s even more pathetic that people got that upset about an emote that’s been around since launch, to the point that blizz had to remove it because the middle aged men gamer dad boosters were crying.


You are that guy huh?
All day nothing but A-holes. Everyone you interact with, at the drive thru, at the retail store, gas station…etc. Everyone sucks to you. Go home and complain to whoever has the displeasure of being in your life, “everyone sucked today, all such A-holes.”
And too oblivious to see what is the common thread to everyone all day long.
Take a deep breath Francis and think on it you might just learn something.

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That’s how I imagine how mass /spitter toxic players act - nailed that analogy.

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