Ban tanks from rated solo shuffle

stares blankly

The formatting is a much bigger issue than overall balance in shuffle, although tuning and balancing is needed too. The vast majority of the meta is going to be getting matchmade in the healer/dps/dps pool. Allowing tanks to skip this meta creates a situation where they get to increase rating in their own bubble within the ecosystem, only playing against the other tanks, in which the matches are nonstandard to everyone except the tanks. No amount of tuning is going to fix that or make it feel good to anyone except tank players.

The matchmaking system needs to always match two healers and (at least) two dps. Two tanks with similar mmr queued up should get placed into a match with two healers and two dps. Matches should be tank/dps/healer v tank/dps/healer or dps/dps/healer vs dps/dps/healer. This puts tanks back into the rest of the meta and forces them to build their character around what a tank role actually does in arena. Matches with tanks in them will be considerably less frustrating because healers are present. It’s the best and most obvious solution for everyone involved. Tanks still get to play but not in a special sandbox that you have to dread queueing into as a dps.


This right here ^^

Nailed it!


So many scum tank players in here trying to justify ruining everyones time so they can continue wheel chairing the most annyoing and useless specs while forcing everyone who cant stand them to play with them.


Where did the tank player touch you? The forums won’t help you get over that, its what therapy is for.

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Actually our games are fast, and I haven’t experienced any leavers. We get to the point.

May the best tank win.

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I guess it’s easier to play a tank spec than to actually learn the game.


It’s a lot more fun too, I don’t have to deal with healers. Well, technically I’m the one off-healing now… and Cycloning when I can. Gotta use all my utilities.

Don’t mind Sockems, he’s just a pearl clutching fun police officer.

Every time this issue gets brought up and banning tanks is suggested, someone always replies with “everyone should be able to play the game in the way they enjoy”.

What frustrates me the most about this argument is that it is not applied in both directions. For a large portion of the classes in this game, getting a tank queue instantly means that you will not have fun. Try playing a spec that needs even just a few seconds to ramp up such as Affliction or Ele, or a spec that is not in any way self-sufficient and relies on healers to give them the longevity to do their job, like Arms. Tank queues are a horrific experience for anyone playing those classes, and even if you’re playing something that is more self sufficient and can take care of itself like a feral druid, I still just can’t see how the game is fun.

Every round lasts 30 seconds at most, everyone presses every cooldown in the opener, and it’s just a toss up as to who is going to win. None of the satisfying moments and outplays that make WoW arena great EVER happen in tank games. As someone else said further up, these games are not “real”. You will occasionally see healer/tank/dps teams do well at respectable ratings, but you will never, ever see tank/dps/dps do well. With how the game and arena is designed, these comps do not function at a basic level, with the exception of a few Prot pally comps, which is hardly relevant since Prot in PvP is basically 75% of a healer.

So, when I say that the logic is not applied both ways, I mean why do the 4 other players in the solo shuffle have to have a miserable time, waste the ~6-10 minute queue, play a few rounds that are all just coinflips and button mashing, and then sit in queue again, all so that 2 players can play the game how they want to? How is that fair to anyone else, that their time is wasted and they don’t get to play the game the way they wanted to play it, just so the smallest portion of the playerbase (tanks) can?

I would bet a LOT of money that if other players could see when the queue popped if it was a tank or healer game, they would skip the queue any time it said tank and just wait another 5-10 minutes until they got a healer game that is at least somewhat reminiscent of what WoW arena actually is for any player above 1600.

It seems to me that the best solution would be to just lump the tanks in with DPS and play healer/tank/dps, and I do not understand why Blizzard doesn’t do that. It would require a bit of effort on their part to ensure tanks fill a clear role within the game and those games aren’t going to be 10 minutes long each, but it is the best way to let tanks play the game and not completely ruin the experience for others.

Until they do that, I absolutely think tanks should be banned from solo shuffle, as I simply do not understand why the majority of the playerbase (DPS) have to have their time wasted/ruined so that an extremely small portion of the playerbase (tanks who play PvP in their tank spec) can play the game mode.



This right here ^^

Nailed it!

The worst is tank players themselves aren’t there to tank, it’s always some absurd mechanic that doesn’t belong in a deathmatch mode or using something that kills while being completley immune to traditional counterplay

there’s nothing about the gameplay that’s enjoyable for anyone except the tank

the ones saying “just use cds” are so out of touch, just make an all tank mode and an all prot pally mode and let them play in their own filth


You know what…you are right…I don’t enjoy matches with healers in them (Take so long, boring) they make it not fun…they need to go too. Oh oh…maybe it’s the DPS making the games so fast…

Don’t confuse a lack of healing and a pre-patch uber burst meta for a tank problem.

u are so full of bs it’s quite sickening. There is a reason you qued guardian and not prot war, brewmonk, veng or blood.

You que tank because you want easy games abusing mechanics intended for pve.

It is funny how 99% of tank sympathizers claim they just want to have fun and their spec deserves to que, meanwhile they just fotm rolled guardian or prot pal…


I think we can all agree that the REAL PROBLEM is getting players with 70k hp or less matched up with players in 1700cr. This causes MASSIVE imbalance and you will nearly always lose because they have absolutely no gear and die WAY too quick. No amount of heals will overcome the crazy ilvl imbalance right now.

Odd point you are trying to make there since playing Dps is considerably easier and why often we have a Tank shortage. Tanks are the specs literally learning all the mechanics of the game and have a higher responsibility when playing their Class.

There is just no need for this type of hate towards a group of people. It’s actually hate speech. I hope you find peace.

Tank players are not people


Yeah there is. It’s well deserved


So you support racism. Hating on a group of people. Not a good look. Just gonna have to flag these Hate speeches against groups of people. The forums don’t need it.

I support hating on Tanks and it’s a great look.

So, you think a spec is equal to a race? lol TANK brain at work lol

What they don’t need is you. See yourself back to GD and bgs where you belong little fella.


Hating on a specific group of people is hate speech. It’s actually not cool and shows your true colors. Lets be inclusive and not hate certain groups of people for who they are please and thanks.

Honestly crazy that this has to be said.