Wow that was a salty response. Lol.
I don’t feel butthurt or am hardly crying. I stuck up for the add-on originally. But I do think it takes away from the game. In fact, I think most, if not all, add-ons ruin aspects of the game.
Its more, because its required at this point. Not having spy puts you at a SEVERE disadvantage to those that do, making it a required Add-on for all players.
How does a normal person figure out there are 60 people hiding behind a mountain without an addon?
Ive had people at Azuregos say in raid " My addon says there are 60 alliance behind us ! " this is bs. needs to be removed.
I’m a warrior and I agree that Spy is overpowered. I’m not even talking about the whole stealth aspect either.
An aspect of playing on a PvP server is being aware of your surroundings at all times for potential gankers. It was an actual aspect of how you played the game. Spy removes the need to constantly be aware of the surroundings due to the fact that you can count on it alerting you when you need to pay attention. It removes the ability to sneak up on players (as any class) because anyone with Spy installed can immediately click on your name in the window and find you much easier than without it.
I don’t think we should ban people that use it, but it absolutely changes the way the game is played in various aspects and is not the original experience I remember from back in the day. That’s just how it is though and it will probably never change so we have to get used to this new style of gameplay.